以堤养堤 以堤保安 堤民共富——信阳地区实施征收围堤防洪保护费

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河南省信阳地区位于淮河上、中游,三河尖以上流域面积37000多平方公里。淮河东西流经我区北中部,长度351公里。除淮干以外,支流众多,沟港纵横,地形复杂,沿河洼地有120万亩,现有大小封闭、半封闭圩区51个,堤防总长700余公里,兴建排涝涵闸250多座。小型提排站21座,保护着100万亩良田和近70万人民的生命财产安全。解放后,在“一定要把淮河修好”的伟大号召下,我区人民持续开展了大规模的治淮斗争,局部治理了淮干、闾河、洪河、白露河、史灌河、泉河等,加固和修筑了一大批堤防,兴建了大批排涝涵闸和提排站,河道水利工程发挥着巨大效益。六、七十年代,我区在河道工程管理和群管组织实行“劳动在堤,分配在队”,即护堤员上堤管理维修养护,由所在生产队记工分,河堤上的绿 Xinyang, Henan Province is located in the upper and middle reaches of the Huaihe River Basin, more than 37,000 square kilometers. Huaihe River flows through the north central part of our region, a length of 351 km. In addition to the Huai River, there are many tributaries, with gully crossings and complicated terrain. There are 1.2 million mu of depressions along the river. The existing closed-size and semi-enclosed polder areas cover a total length of over 700 km with more than 250 dams and flood gates. 21 small lifting stations, protecting 100 million mu of fertile land and nearly 700,000 people’s lives and property safety. After the liberation, under the great call of “we must certainly fix the Huaihe River,” the people in our region continued to carry out a large-scale struggle against the Huai River and Huai River, the Honghe River, the Baihu River, the Shuihe River, the Quanhe River A large number of embankments have been reinforced and built, a large number of drainage culvert gates and drainage stations have been built, and river water conservancy projects have exerted tremendous benefits. Sixties and seventies, our district in the river project management and the organization of the implementation of “labor in the embankment, assigned to the team”, that is, the embankment embankment dike maintenance and management, production by the production team in mind, green on the embankment
The stable properties of N-doped p-type ZnO thin films with preferential nonpolar(100) plane orientation relative to polar(002) plane orientation are investigat