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双拥晚会自1990年举办首届以来,至今已有20年了。这台晚会由全国双拥工作领导小组、民政部、广播电影电视总局、中国人民解放军总政治部联合主办,在创作上始终坚持与国家和军队建设发展同频共振,用文艺的形式反映时代风云,讴歌时代精神,以鲜明的时代特色、军旅特色和创新特色,赢得了广大观众的喜爱和欢迎,成为每年春节期间首都文艺舞 It has been 20 years since Shuang-Yong party was held in 1990. The party was jointly sponsored by the leading group of double-support work in the country, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and the General Political Department of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. In the creation, the party always insists on the same-frequency resonance with the development of the country and the armed forces, and reflects the times with the form of literature and art , Acura era spirit, with distinctive characteristics of the times, military characteristics and innovative features, won the majority of the audience’s favorite and welcome, become the capital during the Spring Festival each year art and dance
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李飞刀,真名李老好,是一个剃头匠,祖传衣钵,学得一手飞刀剃头的绝技,人在几丈开外,把剃刀玩得飞转,转眼间让人寸发皆无,人称“李飞刀”。  自从顾员外一家被杀,李老好一下子成了官府要犯,说取得李老好人头,赏黄金千两。李老好是头天晚上被请去给顾员外剃头的,剃完头,顾员外留他吃飯,当夜出了这事,李老好不敢露出形迹,昼伏夜出。这晚躲到一荒庙,见有些供品,便风卷残云。吃完了才想到不好,心说这供品没了,岂不暴
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参加工作的第一年,我就光荣地加入了中国共产党。我工作的第一个单位就是“模范团长”李国安所在的部队——给水工程团。在那里,我每天都能感受到李团长坚定的 In the first