Methodology and Technology for Design to Cost

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:khl0907
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Product cost is one of the most important factors affecting product market share. Traditionally, product costs are estimated after they are manufactured. However, in this way, the best opportunity to control product cost is lost. In this paper, a method trying to reduce product cost at the design stage is proposed. This method is called Design to Cost (DTC). According to this method, product structure can be optimized with the application of value engineering and Design for Manufacturing/Assembly (DFMA) criteria in the conceptual stage of product design. During embodiment design, products are evaluated economically on the basis of the product model which includes manufacturing, assembly and test cost information. According to the results, products are redesigned before manufacture, and the production cost is reduced. Product costs is one of the most important factors affecting product market share. Traditionally, product costs are estimated after they are manufactured. However, in this way, the best opportunity to control product cost is lost. In this paper, a method trying to reduce product cost at the design stage is proposed. This method is called Design to Cost (DTC). According to this method, product structure can be optimized with the application of value engineering and Design for Manufacturing / Assembly (DFMA) criteria in the conceptual stage of product design. Products that are economically on the basis of the product model which include manufacturing, assembly and test cost information. According to the results, products are redesigned before manufacture, and the production cost is reduced.
Many enterprise modeling methods are proposed to model thebusiness process of enterprises and to implement CIM systems. But difficulties are still encountered w
[摘要]危险化学品事故的处置不同于一般事故的处置,对现场指挥人员的总要求是:反应迅速、判断准确、处置果断、措施得当。对救援力量的总要求是:准备充分、严密组织、服从指挥、密切协同。在执行事故应急处置任务时,应根据现场的具体情况采取相应的措施和手段控制事故的扩大和蔓延,将损失减小到最低限度。通常可参考以下方法来组织实施。  [关键词]危险化品;处置;方法;问题;思考  一、事故处置程序  1、响应程序