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目的观察参麦注射液治疗糖尿病合并慢性心力衰竭的临床效果,并初步探讨其作用机理。方法选择2011年1月—2012年12月收治的糖尿病合并慢性心力衰竭患者60例作为研究对象,随机分为对照组和治疗组各30例。对照组给予单纯西药常规治疗,治疗组在对照组的基础上给予参麦注射液治疗,两组均治疗14 d。记录并比较两组治疗前后临床症状改善情况及血液流变学结果。计量资料采用t检验,计数资料采用χ~2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果治疗后,治疗组患者心悸气急、乏力、水肿改善有效率分别为96.55%、92.86%、92.86%,均高于对照组的75.00%、65.38%、61.11%,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。治疗后,治疗组高切全血黏度、低切全血黏度、血浆纤维蛋白原、红细胞沉降率分别为(4.16±0.39)、(8.41±0.72)mPa·s、(2.50±0.31)g/L、(9.50±3.31)mm/h,与对照组的(4.94±0.56)、(9.42±0.64)mPa·s、(3.46±0.21)g/L、(13.46±5.46)mm/h比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论参麦注射液有助于改善心脏功能,减轻患者心力衰竭临床症状,提高治疗有效率,可能与改善血液流变学有关。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of Shenmai injection in the treatment of diabetes mellitus combined with chronic heart failure and to explore its mechanism. Methods Sixty patients with diabetes mellitus and chronic heart failure who were admitted to our hospital from January 2011 to December 2012 were selected and randomly divided into control group and treatment group. The control group was treated with conventional western medicine only. The treatment group was given Shenmai injection on the basis of the control group, both of which were treated for 14 days. Record and compare the two groups before and after treatment to improve the clinical symptoms and hemorheology results. Measurement data using t test, count data using χ ~ 2 test, P <0.05 for the difference was statistically significant. Results After treatment, the improvement rate of palpitations, palpitation, fatigue and edema were 96.55%, 92.86% and 92.86% respectively in the treatment group, which were significantly higher than those in the control group (75.00%, 65.38% and 61.11%, both P <0.05). After treatment, the values ​​of whole blood viscosity, low cut whole blood viscosity, plasma fibrinogen and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were (4.16 ± 0.39), (8.41 ± 0.72) mPa · s and (2.50 ± 0.31) g / L , (9.50 ± 3.31) mm / h, respectively, compared with the control group (4.94 ± 0.56), (9.42 ± 0.64) mPa · s, (3.46 ± 0.21) g / L and (13.46 ± 5.46) mm / Statistical significance (all P <0.05). Conclusion Shenmai injection can improve cardiac function, alleviate the clinical symptoms of heart failure and improve the therapeutic efficiency, which may be related to the improvement of hemorheology.
中国东部地球表面环境变化与大陆动力学演化的关系TheRelationshipbetweentheEnvironmentalChangesoftheEarthSurfaceandtheDynamicEvolutionsoftheContinentint... TheRelationshipbetweentheEnvironmentalChangesoftheEarthSurfaceandtheDynamicEvolutionsoftheContinentint ...
采用MAC(马法兰、阿糖胞苷、环磷酰胺 )方案预处理异基因外周血干细胞移植 (allo PBSCT) ,治疗 3例慢性粒细胞白血病 (CML) ,报告如下。病例和方法1 病例 例 1患者 ,男 ,42岁 ,B型血。 1995
患者女, 21岁。于 1998年 9月 2日就诊。半年前左上臂外侧出现绿豆大小囊肿,无痒痛。皮损逐渐增大至 5分硬币大小,且压痛。无家族史。体检:各系统检查无异常。皮肤科检查:左上臂外
目的 研究放射治疗合并光动力疗法对中晚期食管癌的临床疗效。方法  6 0例中晚期食管鳞癌被随机分为 2个组。单放组 (30例 )为单纯体外放射治疗 ,剂量为DT6 0~ 6 6Gy ,6~ 7周
本文介绍了从土壤样品中快速提取腐植酸的方法及测定腐植酸中碳及其相中铀、金等主要相关元素的相分析方法,应用相分析技术寻找隐伏铀矿床取得了较好的地质效果。 This paper
【目的】比较转移抑制基因nm2 3 H1表达产物核苷酸二磷酸激酶 (nucleosidediphosphatekinase ,NDPK)在转移力不同的肺癌克隆株中的表达。【方法】通过单细胞克隆技术及裸鼠接