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每个人都有属于自己的梦想,有的人想做伟大的科学家;有的人想做虔诚的教徒;有的人想做翱翔在天空的飞行员;有的人想做一名普通的工作人员……但不管是什么样的梦想都必须具备实现梦想的能力和动力,都必须具备足够的恒心和毅力,都必须具备“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的信心和决心。一个人有了梦想才会有前进的动力和方向;一个民族有了梦想才会有进步的希望和毅力;一个国家有了梦想才会有发展的基础和力量。我也有 Everyone has his own dream, some want to be a great scientist; others want to be devout followers; others want to be pilots flying in the sky; others want to be an ordinary worker ... ... But no matter what kind of dreams must have the ability and motivation to realize their dreams, they all must have enough perseverance and perseverance, and all of them must have the confidence and determination that “the wind and the waves will sometimes go straight to the clouds and sail to the sea” . Only when a person has a dream will there be momentum and direction for progress; if a nation has a dream, there will be hope and perseverance for progress; if a country has a dream, it will have the basis and strength for development. I have it too