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死刑是历史上最古老的刑罚,在奴隶社会和封建社会,死刑一直受到了历代统治者的青睐。进入资本主义社会后,特别是近代以来,受自由主义启蒙思想的影响,一些学者对死刑的合理性提出质疑,并主张废除死刑。上世纪70年代以来,西方社会基于对现代刑事追究模式的反思,认识到片面强调公诉制度导致了对犯罪原始矛盾也就是被害人与犯罪人的矛盾的遗忘,特别是对被害人的感受和利益照顾不周,因而出现了从“报应性司法”向“恢复性司法”的转向,旨在通过调解、道歉、真诚悔过、积极赔偿等方式,恢复被害人与犯罪人、社区之间的关系。与之相对应,我国在建设社会主义和谐社会的大背景下,司法部门也在推行死刑案件的民事赔偿制度,这不仅有利于修复社会关系,快速有效地恢复遭破坏的司法和社会秩序,而且更是对长期以来片面强调司法权的一种反思,体现了以人为本的思想,有利于助推和谐司法。且通过民事赔偿工作的有效施行有助于实现控制死刑的目的,维护被害方利益,缓解社会矛盾,减少对抗。由于这还是一项新的尝试,在司法实践中也引起了许多争议,并在具体执行上也存在一些薄弱环节,一定程度上影响了民事赔偿的效果。为此,本文从死刑案件民事赔偿的基础理论入手,结合湖北省就死刑案件的审判实践,对死刑案件与民事赔偿的适用问题进行了深入分析,指出目前存在的主要问题,并提出了完善建议,以期抛砖引玉。 Death penalty is the oldest punishment in history. In slave society and feudal society, the death penalty has been favored by successive rulers. After entering the capitalist society, especially since modern times, under the influence of liberal enlightenment, some scholars have questioned the rationality of the death penalty and advocated the abolition of the death penalty. Since the 1970s, based on the reflection on the model of modern criminal prosecution, the western society has realized that one-sided emphasis on the public prosecution system has led to the oblivion of the contradiction between the original contradiction of crime, that is, the victim and the criminal, especially the victim’s feelings and interests Therefore, a shift from “retributive justice ” to “restorative justice ” has emerged. The purpose is to restore the relationship between the victim and the perpetrator and community through mediation, apology, sincere repentance and active compensation . Correspondingly, under the background of building a socialist harmonious society in our country, the judiciary is also implementing a civil compensation system for death penalty cases, which is not only conducive to restoring social relations and quickly and effectively recovering ruined judiciary and social order, but also It is also a reflection of longstanding one-sided emphasis on judicial power, which embodies the people-oriented thinking and helps boost judicial justice. And through the effective implementation of civil compensation work helps to achieve the purpose of controlling the death penalty, protect the interests of victims, ease social conflicts and reduce confrontation. Since this is still a new attempt, it has also caused a lot of controversies in judicial practice. There are also some weak links in the specific implementation, which, to a certain extent, have affected the effectiveness of civil compensation. Therefore, this article starts with the basic theory of civil compensation in death penalty cases and analyzes the application of death penalty cases in Hubei Province in connection with the trial practice of death penalty cases. It also points out the main problems and proposes some suggestions , With a view to initiate.
广东汕头市实验学校自1999年9月开始实行“课薪制” ,打破了长期以来汕头特区教职员工工资分配的“大锅饭” ,成为汕头市唯一一家采取“课薪制”的学校。“课薪制”的工资分配方案
所谓“跳级制”是指学生能够提前完成课题内容 ,达到考核标准而被提前晋级或升到下一阶段或进入其它方面学习的制度。笔者从事20多年的技校教学 ,认为理论课教学要想试行跳级制
社区工作与管理专业是我院 1 998年 9月开设的高职专业。我院是我国第一所以高等职业教育模式开设社区工作与管理专业的高等院校 ,是东北三省唯一的开设社区工作与管理专业的