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春夏之交发生在首都并波及全国的政治动乱,以极大的尖锐性提醒了人们对舆论导向问题的关注,也引起了广大新闻工作者的严肃反思。众所周知,极少数人掀起的这场政治动乱和反革命暴乱,首先是从制造反党反社会主义的舆论开始的。他们打出“新闻自由”的旗子,采用颠倒黑白、造谣诬蔑、蛊惑煽动等各种手段,向 At the turn of spring and summer, the political turmoil that took place in the capital and spread to the whole country reminded people of the great concern about the orientation of public opinion and caused serious reflection on the part of journalists. It is known to all that this political turmoil and counter-revolutionary riot set off by a very small number of people began with the making of anti-Party and anti-socialist media. They hit the banner of “freedom of the press,” using various means such as upsetting black and white, spreading rumors and slandering, inciting demagogy,
<正> 余光生同志是延安《解放日报》的主要领导人之一。该报创办不久,他即任国际版主编,后任代总编、副总编和总编,还担任过解放日报社和新华通讯社代理社长,直到1946年底调离新闻工作岗位为止,在《解放日报》工作了五年多,是在报社担任领导职务时间最长的一个,为革命根据地第一张大型党报的建设作出了重要贡献。