
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thp2860051
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党委管财是我军长期以来财务管理的基本原则,也是当前部队后勤财物管理工作中的核心内容,是用好钱、管好物的根本保证。通过近年来的探索实践,我们认为,财物规范化管理的内涵主要表现为五个方面:一是管理对象的多元性。包括财物、人员实力、制度、硬件和软件建设。二是管理内容的系统性。不单指经费物资管理中的哪个方面或哪个环节。三是管理过程的全程性。规范化管理的全过程就是一个流程,哪个环节做不到就会出问题。四是管理标准的统一性。管理的内容、质量统一,不能随心所欲、各自为政。五是管理方法的规范性。要求操作非常规范,具有实用性和时代前沿性。同时,财物规范化管理还具有基础性、操作性和建设性强的 Party committees’ financial management is the basic principle of our military’s long-term financial management. It is also the core content of the current troop logistics and property management and is the fundamental guarantee for making good use of the money and managing the good. Through the exploration and practice in recent years, we believe that the connotation of the standardized management of property mainly manifested in five aspects: First, the management of multiple objects. Including property, personnel strength, system, hardware and software construction. The second is the systematic management of content. Not only refers to the funds and materials management which aspect or which link. Third, the entire process of management. The whole process of standardized management is a process, which links can not do it. Fourth, the unity of management standards. Management of content, quality, can not be arbitrary, fragmented. Fifth, the standardization of management methods. Require the operation of a very standardized, practical and cutting-edge of the times. At the same time, the standardization of property management also has a basic, operational and constructive
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<正> 由于国际贸易条件的恶化和国际经济竞争的加剧,人们在寻找新的良好的贸易条件时,又开始关注贸易与投资结合的特别区域——自由港、自由贸易区、出口加工区(中国的特区开
新年的钟声敲响,我们似乎听见骨骼生长的声音。飞舞的乱发下面是一张张年轻得“一塌糊涂”的脸。我们喜欢把SH E、周杰伦们挂在嘴上。父母们常常不理解,我们更不明白为什么孩
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