Dent Resistance for Automobile Body Panels

来源 :中国机械工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong590
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Dent resistance of automobile body panels is an important property for automobile design and manufacture, but the study on this aspect is not still profound. This study is to summarize the testing methods and physical significations of static and dynamic dent resistance of automobile body panels combined with the authors study, and to analyze the dent behaviors in the round. Several influence factors on dent resistance are expatiated including the mechanical properties of materials, stress states after forming, bake hardening ability, modulus, methods of testing, and structure of specimens and so on. The automotive lightweight and application of high strength steel sheets and aluminum alloys sheets are analyzed, and the significance of testing of dent resistance, especially for dynamic dent resistance of auto-panels, and the finite element simulation analysis are emphasized. To explain the physical phenomenon of dent behaviors, the latest and concerned study results are also discussed. According to this study, a dent resistance test and evaluation standard of Society of Automotive Engineers of China for automotive body panel is presented and is being carried out, and an industry conference is hold to discuss the working-out of the standard, a primary schedule of this standard is confirmed now. The study can guide the further testing and study of dent resistant of auto-panels.
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