Effect of phosphorylation of MAPK and Stat3 and expression of c-fos and c-jun proteins on hepatocarc

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingtiandetianming
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AIM To study the effect of phosphorylation ofMAPK and Stat3 and the expression of c-fos andc-jun proteins on hepatocellular carcinogenesisand their clinical significance.METHODS SP immunohistochemistry was usedto detect the expression of p42/44~(MAPK), p-Stat3,c-fos and c-jun proteins in 55 hepatocellularcarcinomas (HCC) and their surrounding livertissues.RESULTS The positive rates and expressionlevels of p42/44~(MAPK), p-Stat3, c-fos and c-junproteins in HCCs were significantly higher thanthose in pericarcinomatous liver tissues (PCLT).A positive correlation was observed between theexpression of p42/44~(MAPK) and c-fos proteins, andbetween p-Stat3 and c-jun, but there was nosignificant correlation between P42/44~(MAPK) and p-Stat3 in HCCs and their surrounding livertissues.CONCLUSION The abnormalities of Ras/Raf/MAPK and JAKs/ Stat3 cascade reaction maycontribute to malignant transformation ofhepatocytes. Hepatocytes which are positive forp42/ 44~(MAPK), c-fos or c-jun proteins may bepotential malignant pre-cancerous cells.Activation of MAPK and Stat3 proteins may be anearly event in hepatocellular carcinogenesis. AIM To study the effect of phosphorylation ofMAPK and Stat3 and the expression of c-fos andc-jun proteins on hepatocellular carcinogenesisand their clinical significance.METHODS SP immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of p42/44~(MAPK), p-Stat3,c -fos and c-jun proteins in 55 hepatocellularcarcinomas (HCC) and their surrounding livertissues.RESULTS The positive rates and expressionlevels of p42/44~(MAPK), p-Stat3, c-fos and c-junproteins in HCCs were significantly higher thanthose In pericarcinomatous liver tissues (PCLT).A positive correlation was observed between the expression of p42/44~(MAPK) and c-fos proteins, andbetween p-Stat3 and c-jun, but there was no significant nucleotide difference between P42/44~(MAPK) ) and p-Stat3 in HCCs and their surrounding livertissues.CONCLUSION The abnormalities of Ras/Raf/MAPK and JAKs/ Stat3 cascade reaction maycontribute to malignant transformation ofhepatocytes. Hepatocytes which are positive forp42/ 44~(MAPK), c-fos or c -jun proteins may be Potential malignant pre-cancerous cells.Activation of MAPK and Stat3 proteins may be anearly event in hepatocellular carcinogenesis.
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化学习题浩如烟海,在复习过程中应有目的、有计划地去精心选题,结合不同类型的练习题对学生的思维进行训练,从而增强复习的实效。    一、基础性    即在复习时选编一些能反映基本概念、基本理论体系中的基础性知识的试题,在解题过程中能够体现基本问题及问题的基本解答方法;它不是基本概念、基本理论、基本规律的简单重复,而应当让旧知识以新方式呈现在学生面前,为此,应当对知识进行重新的组织,使其系统化、网络化
发现问题    我们“科技活动小组”在菜地里发现许多白菜叶上有卵形小洞,还有的菜叶被吃得精光。后来,我们在菜叶上发现了蜗牛。菜叶是不是被蜗牛啃噬的呢?蜗牛有些什么样的生活习性呢?    观察实验    我们跟种菜的农户李叔叔商量,想在他的大棚里进行实验。他很乐意,答应协助我们做实验。  1.蜗牛的食物,我们选把蜗牛分别饲养在放有小白菜和番茄的“小家”里,结果小白菜的叶片和番茄上都出现了许多卵状小洞