
来源 :西安金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SuperMMX
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金融企业要转换机制,思想政治工作必须适应新的形势而加以改进,所以,加强思想政治工作,是摆在各级行长面前的一项紧迫任务。有的同志认为,银行是管票子的,只要能增加存贷量、取得效益,抓不抓思想政治工作无所谓。还有的同志认为,现在强调用经济手段管理企业,“重赏之下必有勇夫”,因而重物质鼓励,轻思想政治工作。实践证明,这种把思想政治工作与业务工作、思想教育与物质鼓励割裂开来的想法和做法是不正确的。只有把思想政治工作贯串于金融经营活动的全过程,才能激发职工的责任感和创新精神,努力参与金融体制改革,促使专业银行沿着正确的轨道向国有商业银行转变。因此,抓好职工思想政治工作是新形势下行长义不容辞的责任和职责。 Financial institutions must change their mechanism and ideological and political work must be adapted to the new situation and improved. Therefore, strengthening ideological and political work is an urgent task for all the governors at all levels. Some comrades think that a bank administers a banknote. As long as it can increase its deposit and loan volume, obtain benefits, and grasp no ideological and political work, it does not matter. Some comrades also think that nowadays emphasizing the management of enterprises by means of economic means means that “there must be a brave husband under the rewards and rewards”, and therefore heavy material encouragement and light political thinking. Practice has proved that this ideology and political work and business work, ideological education and material incentives to split the ideas and practices is not correct. Only by carrying out ideological and political work throughout the entire course of financial management activities can we inspire the sense of responsibility and innovation of our employees and strive to participate in the reform of the financial system so as to enable the specialized banks to make changes along the right track to state-owned commercial banks. Therefore, doing a good job in ideological and political work of workers and staff is an unshirkable responsibility and responsibility of the descendants of the new situation.
汪丁丁先生在《读书》上,三次谈到了经济学的关键词,却没有谈到市场和发财这两个关键词。我想,它们不仅是经济学里的关键词,不只是现实生活中的关键词,而且几乎成了整个民族的关键词了。下海的梦发财,作官的想发财,作学问的也要发。不仅“小民”想发,地区想发,“国家”也想发。政统道统学统都靠边站了。说实在的,发财倒没有什么不好。但是,发财是有道的。道有很多,但最好的道大概莫过于市场了。  一提起市场,似乎用不
近几年,我国就业形势非常严峻,女职工“就业难”问题十分突出。当前,就宁夏而言,影响女职工就业的主要因素有:一是全社会劳动力市场供大于求,劳动力总量矛盾加剧。 In recen