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李夜冰,1931年生,河北省井陉县人。中国美术家协会会员、中国美术家协会山西创作中心副主任、中国工艺美术家协会会员、中国中央书画研究院艺委会委员、中央文史研究馆书画院研究员、山西省对外联谊会理事、山西省老文艺家协会顾问、山西国际文化交流画院名誉院长、山西省文史研究馆馆员、高级工艺美术师。上世纪40年代起开始参加解放区的美术工作。从事美术创作60余年。青年时代调中国革命博物馆工作,有幸在董希文、罗工柳、石鲁、程十发、关山月等大师教诲下学习和创作。对油画、版画、年画、工艺美术、舞台美术等各艺术领域都进行过深入的研究和实践。几十年来足迹遍及长城内外、大江南北、石窟古刹、五岳四圣、西藏新疆等地,写生了数以万计的作品,为创作奠定了扎实的生活基础和娴熟的绘画技巧,形成了其兼融并蓄、清新厚重的中国画艺术风格。上世纪50年代起至今,作品多次参加全国及国际重要展览并多次获得重要奖项,出版有多种画册。传略被载入国内外多种大型辞书。多幅作品被中南海收藏,并应邀为国务院创作巨幅作品。近年来有计划地出访亚洲、欧洲、非洲、大洋洲、南北美洲世界五大洲30多个国家的80多座重点城市进行艺术考察,创作异国风光作品1 00多幅,作品在继承传统的基础上,吸收了外来艺术之长,丰富了自己的绘画语言。 Li Ye Bing, born in 1931, Jingxing County, Hebei Province. Member of Chinese Artists Association, deputy director of Shanxi Creation Center of Chinese Artists Association, member of China Arts and Crafts Association, member of Art Committee of China Central Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, researcher of calligraphy and painting academy of Central Research Institute of Literature and History, director of Shanxi Foreign Friendship Association, Shanxi Province The consultant of the old artists’ association, the honorary president of Shanxi International Culture Exchange Art Academy, the librarian of Shanxi Provincial Literature and History Research Hall, and the senior crafts artist. From the 40s of last century began to participate in the art work in the liberated areas. Engaged in art creation for more than 60 years. In his youth he transferred the work of the Chinese Revolutionary Museum and was fortunate to study and create under the teachings of Dong Xiwen, Luo Gongliu, Shi Lu, Cheng Shifa and Guan Shanyue. He has conducted in-depth research and practice on various art fields such as oil painting, printmaking, New Year paintings, arts and crafts, and stage art. Decades of footprints all over the Great Wall, north and south, the ancient temples of the caves, the Four Sacred Mountains, Xinjiang and Tibet, sketched tens of thousands of works, laid a solid foundation for life and skilled painting skills, formed its integration Plum, fresh and heavy Chinese painting art style. Since the 1950s till now, his works have participated in many important national and international exhibitions and won many important awards for many times. He has published many kinds of pictures. Biography was loaded a variety of large dictionaries at home and abroad. A number of his works were collected by Zhongnanhai and were invited to create huge works for the State Department. In recent years, there have been planned visits to more than 80 key cities in more than 30 countries on five continents in Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, North and South America, and more than 100 exotic scenery works. On the basis of inheriting the tradition, Absorb the length of foreign art, enriched his own painting language.
庞薰琹是中国近代著名的画家、工艺美术家和美术教育家。  庞薰琹自幼喜欢色彩,对绘画有着浓厚的兴趣,而他的艺术生涯与现代艺术之都巴黎是分不开的。留学期间庞薰琹受西方