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根据省委七届二次全会精神,结合九台的实际,今后一个时期,我们要以解放思想为先导,以经济增总量、企业增效益、财政增实力、市民增收入为目标,以科技进步和开放带动为依托,充分发挥区位、交通、资源优势,把资源开发与市场开拓结合起来,大力培育主导产业、骨干企业和名牌产品,积极构筑以农畜产品加工业为突破口,以民营经济为主体,以小城镇建设为支撑,城乡一体发展、产业紧密衔接的县域经济格局。经过三、五年的发展,使九台的主要经济指标力争翻番,在全省县域经济发展中位次前移,力争在全省经济强县中占有一席之地。在组织 According to the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Provincial Committee and the reality of Jiutai, in the coming period, we will take the emancipation of the mind as the guide, the target of increasing economic growth, increasing profits of enterprises, increasing financial strength and increasing public incomes, Improvement and opening up, give full play to the advantages of location, transportation and resources, integrate the development of resources with market development, vigorously cultivate the leading industries, key enterprises and brand-name products, and actively construct the agricultural products processing industry as a breakthrough to the private economy As the main body, with the construction of small towns as the support, the integration of urban and rural areas, industry closely linked county economic structure. After three or five years of development, the major economic targets of Jiutai have been doubly pursued and their positions have been advanced in the county’s economic development in the whole province, striving to occupy a place among the economically strong counties in the province. In the organization
各市、州党委和人民政府,省委各部、委,省政府各委、办、厅、局,各人民团体:现将《吉林省关于实施县域突破战略的鼓励扶持政策》印发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。 Municipaliti
刀具特点:刀体上铣有出屑孔,并有内凹弧压盖,用螺钉压紧,形成四周封闭,同时在过渡切削刃上部开有集屑口(大小由切削速度、吃刀深度、走刀量来决定),便于收集 Tool features:
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2007年6月8日,已经退役一年的齐达内与阿德巴约在西班牙南部小城拉马加为某运动品牌做宣传,期间还参加了一场小型足球比赛。比赛中阿德巴约展现出了不 On June 8, 2007, Zi