An Approach for Telecom Operators to Achieve Converged Telecom and Internet Services

来源 :ZTE Communications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vitchen02
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This article discusses a possible approach for telecom operators to achieve converged telecom and Internet services. It involves integrally developing telecom networks and Internet businesses through the convergence of their instant news and social networking services. Some background, benefits for telecom operators, and possible challenges are analyzed. A new service convergence approach such as this can also facilitate triple-screen and multi-screen convergence in the future. This article discusses a possible approach for telecom operators to achieve converged telecom and Internet services. Introduction Some telecom networks and Internet businesses through the convergence of their instant news and social networking services. Some background, benefits for telecom operators, and possible challenges are A new service convergence approach such as this can also facilitate triple-screen and multi-screen convergence in the future.
1.三网融合实质性启动  1月13日,国务院常务会议决定加快推进电信网、广播电视网和互联网三网融合。6月30日,国务院办公厅发出了《关于印发第一批三网融合试点地区(城市)名单的通知》,确定了第一批三网融合试点地区(城市)名单。这标志着我国三网融合试点工作正式启动,开始步入实质性进展阶段。  2.液晶面板建设掀起新热潮  1月16日,深圳市建市以来规模最大的投资项目,也是我国自主建设的、迄今国内最高
新一代Windows Live Messenger最大的特点是整合了网络沟通、分享和在线社交关系在内的互联网新应用,让用户在一个聚合平台内管理家人和好友在其他社交网站中的各类信息。 T
Myspace从诞生起就决定了它是一家以兴趣为基因的网站,形式可以改变,但其用户和内容已经决定了其基因不可能转变 Since its inception, Myspace has determined that it is