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马来西亚制胶厂和棕油厂的废水处理研究工作始于七十年代,那时因兴建大批棕油厂,环境问题与日俱增。由于流入江河的污水量猛增,导致氧气减少,破坏生态系统。以往,把废水当作一种麻烦来处理或予以回避。从废水处理研究工作取得进展以来,开始把它当作一种能源来研究。 初期的研究表明,棕油厂和制胶厂的废水本身不含有害成分,用物理化学净化法效果不佳,主要研究路线趋向消化,作为肥料的替代物施田和用作饲料。有时也结合研究减少废水排放量的问题。 棕油厂废水(POME)可以厌氧消化,但除非经过很长滞留期,否则是达不到排放标准的(现行BOD极限值为100ppm)。不过消化后的废水有助于其它方面的利用。消化法有露天和密闭两种,后者可以收集沼气,其能量无论直接作燃料或用来发电都是很大的。例如,一座每小时加工能力60吨的厂,每天产生的能量约相当于10000升柴油。 只要用量控制适当,POME可以田间施用。畦灌法一般不够理想,因容易粘结,造成配水不均或流失。比较好的利用方法有平底沟漫灌,让废水慢慢渗透,还有喷灌和油槽车灌。经济效益包括替代肥料,以及一些研究者报导的可达20%以上的增产量。最佳施用量和效益随环境而变,要根据所处的具体环境,制订出经济效益最好的利用计划。 减少POME的方法是榨油时不加水,棕油从 Wastewater treatment research at Malaysia’s rubber factories and palm oil plants started in the 1970s when the environmental problems were increasing due to the construction of a large number of palm oil plants. Due to the surge in the amount of sewage flowing into rivers, it leads to the reduction of oxygen and the destruction of ecosystems. In the past, wastewater was treated as a hassle or avoided. Since progress has been made in wastewater treatment research, it has started to be studied as an energy source. Initial studies have shown that the waste water from palm oil plants and rubber plants does not contain harmful ingredients per se, and the physical and chemical purification methods are ineffective. The main research directions tend to be digestion, as a substitute for fertilizers and as a feed. Sometimes combined with the study to reduce the problem of wastewater discharge. Palm oil plant wastewater (POME) can be anaerobically digested, but does not meet the emission standards unless the long residence time has elapsed (current BOD limit is 100 ppm). However, digested wastewater helps other uses. There are two types of digestion: open air and closed airtight. The latter can collect biogas, and its energy is great whether it is directly used as a fuel or used to generate electricity. For example, a plant capable of processing 60 tons an hour generates about 10,000 liters of diesel per day. As long as the dosage is properly controlled, POME can be applied in the field.畦 irrigation method generally not ideal, due to easy bonding, resulting in uneven distribution of water or loss. A better way to use flat-bottomed flood irrigation, so that slowly penetrate the wastewater, as well as sprinkler and tank car irrigation. Economic benefits include alternative fertilizers, as well as some researchers report up to 20% more yield. The best application rate and benefits vary with the environment, according to the specific environment in which to draw the most economical utilization plan. The way to reduce POME is to squeeze oil without water and palm oil from it
用于谢弗莱特(chevrolet)汽车上的尾部弹簧重为3.6kg,比钢制弹簧(重20.4kg)能大幅度地减轻重量。能支承1.5吨以上的车的静荷载和动荷载,而且比现有的钢弹簧耐久性高数倍. T
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文章采用数据包络分析方法对2012—2016年我国综合大学、 工科院校、 农林院校、 医药院校和师范院校等五类高校科研的生产率指数进行了追踪,得到了各类高校的技术效率、纯技