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在当前三大工程材料(金属、陶瓷、高分子材料)中,高分子材料发展最快,已经出现了分子量在500万以上的超高分子材料。这类新型材料由于其力学性能宽广,绝对强度高于金属材料;既能满足结构需要,又能满足某些性能需要,并有利于节能耗,所以正在广泛进入机电、交通、轻工、医药以及人们的日常生活当中。在设备改造与设备维修中引进高分子和超高分子材料,是一条省钱省时效益高的途径.这是不久前在京的部分高分子材料专家的一个观点。 在《表面工程》杂志编辑部召开的一个高分子材料专家座谈会上,专家们列举了一些实例,说明这类新型材料使用的独特效果。比如钢缆运输机的导轮,如果用高分子复合材料制做,可以大大减少对昂贵进口钢缆的磨损,而且行驶柔和,比钢轮的性能要好得多。再如散料运输机的料斗衬板、球磨机的衬板,用超高分子复合材料代替原来笨重的高锰钢,有利于物料滑动,不粘料,噪音低,重量轻,节省能源,使用寿命比锰钢长,更换也方便,在任何气候和环境条件下均可使用。还有一些在恶劣工况下工作的金属轴承,使用寿命很短,而改用高分子材料制做的轴承后、寿命成倍延长。 高分子材料一方面耐磨性能很好,所以常在工业中用于抗磨零件,我国已在某水电站的水轮机上,用超 In the current three major engineering materials (metal, ceramics, polymer materials), the fastest growing polymer materials, has emerged in the molecular weight of more than 500 million of ultra-high molecular materials. Due to their wide range of mechanical properties and absolute strength, these new materials are widely used in the fields of electromechanical, transportation, light industry, medicine, as well as metal materials. They not only meet structural requirements but also meet certain performance needs and contribute to energy saving. People’s daily life. The introduction of polymers and ultra-high molecular materials in equipment remodeling and equipment maintenance is a way to save money and save time, which is a view of some polymer experts in Beijing not long ago. At a panel discussion for polymer materials experts at the editorial board of Surface Engineering, experts cite a few examples of the unique effects of using these new materials. For example, the guide pulley of a steel cable conveyor can greatly reduce the wear on expensive imported steel cables if it is made of a polymer composite material, and travels more smoothly than steel drums. Another example is the bulk conveyor hopper liner, ball mill liner, with the original polymer composite material instead of bulky high manganese steel, is conducive to material sliding, non-stick material, low noise, light weight, energy saving, service life ratio Manganese steel long, easy replacement, in any climate and environmental conditions can be used. There are some metal bearings working in harsh conditions, the service life is very short, but the use of polymer made of bearings, the life expectancy doubled. On the one hand the polymer material wear resistance is very good, so often used in the industry for wear-resistant parts, our country has a hydropower turbine on the use of ultra
·  “你又开始小题大做了!”母亲唠叨着,“你以为这是戴安娜王妃的婚礼哪!”  “我只是想为凯茜办一个完美的婚礼,”我有点生气了,“她可是一个非常浪漫的女孩儿,而且从小就为这一天做准备了。”  “但是你不可能事事称心,”母亲咕哝着,“事情不一定会按照你计划的那样进行,这就是所谓的墨菲定律。”  “也许吧,但我们可以尽力而为呀。”我回答道,然后继续一遍一遍地核查婚礼计划单上的细节。  27岁的凯茜是
书名——《新规则:用社会化媒体做营销和公关》作者——David Meerman Scott出版社——机械工业出版社出版年——2010年定价——45元页数——246页美国营销战略家、演讲家和
《中国医药技术经济与管理》杂志充分应用最先进实用的技术经济方法 ,以全新、独特视角透视我国医药行业技术、经济、资本、政策和管理等发展特性和规律,更好地为广大医药企