Experimental Research of External Desulfurization in Situ Mechanical Stirring

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guojicai
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This paper presents a new idea about desulfurization with in-situ mechanical stirring method on the basis of desulfurization by single blow grain magnesium and KR method, that is, the inner gases carry the magnesium vapor formed in-site in molten iron by magnesium-based desulfurization, and bubble dispersed and disintegrated under the condition of mechanical stirring, thence to improve the efficiency of desulfurization by single blow grain magnesium .It has been proved by research of cold water model experiment that the bubble dispersion and disintegration can not only improve the desulphurization efficiency but also increase the utilization rate of magnesium. Obviously, the bubble dispersion and disintegration of magnesium vapor is the key problem in improving the desulphurization efficiency and increasing the utilization rate of magnesium. Thus the research focus on exploring the performance of bubble dispersion and disintegration on the base of refining process and gas-liquid mass transfer. According to the literature and cold water model experimental result basing on principle of similitude, the influencing factors and interaction of bubble dispersion and disintegration have been studied from the perspectives of physical and numerical simulation. The study would provide the theoretical and experimental data for the new method of desulfurization with in-situ mechanical stirring. This paper presents a new idea about desulfurization with in-situ mechanical stirring method on the basis of desulfurization by single blow grain magnesium and KR method, that is, the inner gases carry the magnesium vapor formed in-site in molten iron by magnesium-based It has been proven by research of cold water model experiment that the bubble dispersion and disintegration can not only improve the desulphurization Obviously, the bubble dispersion and disintegration of magnesium vapor is the key problem in improving the desulphurization efficiency and increasing the utilization rate of magnesium. Thus the research focus on exploring the performance of bubble dispersion and disintegration on the base of refining process and gas-liquid mass t ransfer. According to the literature and cold water model experimental result basing on principle of similitude, the influencing factors and interaction of bubble dispersion and disintegration have been studied from the perspectives of physical and numerical simulation. The study would provide the theoretical and experimental data for the new method of desulfurization with in-situ mechanical stirring.
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