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   1. 通读对话,领会大意。解题时应先跳过空格通览对话,了解对话大意,根据对大意的把握,判定语境,揣摩话题。掌握对话者的身份、意图、态度,弄清句与句之间的逻辑关系。
   2. 抓关键词,试填选项。根据语篇衔接,发现各句的语意联系,进一步了解双方的观点和态度,然后浏览选项或者空白处,初步确定答案。
   3. 细读选项,选择答案。在把握话题和语境的基础上,细读所提供的选项,认真分析它们之间的异同,依据对话的有关情景内容,选择正确的答案。
   4. 通读对话,验证答案。将对话补全之后,再将整段对话通读一遍,逐一验证答案。所选的答案不仅要在语义上符合语境,而且要符合逻辑、语法和习惯表达。
   例一 选词填空。请根据对话内容选择正确的单词,用其适当形式填空。( 2010年广西桂林)
  is fly help whose house
   Li Hai: It’s windy, Dad. It’s a good day to fly kites.
   Father: Yes, it is. Oh, look! 1. ________is that yellow kite?
   Li Hai: It’s Pingping’s.
   Father: Pingping’s kite is 2.________very high.
   Li Hai: Oh, no, no! Her kite is falling down. It’s on the 3._______now.
   Father: Have we got a ladder (梯子)?
   Li Hai: Yes, there 4.________one over there.
   Father: Good. Let’s go and 5.________her get the kite down.
   1. Whose 根据下文答语“那是萍萍的”,可以得出此处应填疑问词whose。
   2. flying 因横线前面有is,可知此处填flying,表示风筝正在天上飞行。
   3. house 由上文中 “她的风筝正掉下来”,可知风筝掉到房顶上了。
   4. is 考查 there be 句型。
   5. help 根据句意可知此处应填help,此处意为“帮助萍萍取下风筝”。
   例二 根据对话内容,从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。其中有两项多余。(2011年浙江宁波)
  (A reporter is interviewing Andrew, a pop star.)
   Reporter: Hi, Andrew! I’m Nancy from Lives of the Very Famous magazine. 1.
   Andrew: You’re welcome. It’s nice to meet you, Nancy.
   Reporter: Our teachers want to know what famous people do for vacation. 2.
   Andrew: Well, I’m going to the south of
   Reporter: What’s the weather like there?
   Andrew: It’s beautiful… 3.
   Reporter: Really? What are you doing there?
   Andrew: Oh, going to the beach. Maybe playing volleyball…
   Reporter: 4.
   Andrew: Oh, yes, going sightseeing, going shopping, you know, the usual…
   Reporter: And how long are you staying?
   Andrew: 5.
   Reporter: Well, that sounds wonderful!
   A. Thank you for talking to me today.
   B. Anything else?
   C. Where are you going for your next vacation?
   D. And it’s always sunny and warm.
   E. How do you like Italy?
   F. For three weeks.
   G. When are you going there?
   1. A 根据答语可知,此处是记者对Andrew 接受采访表示感谢。
   2. C 由答语中提到“ 我将去意大利的南部”,可以推出此处记者是询问Andrew 的假期去向。
   3. D 因为上文是对天气状况的询问,可知
   4. B 根据下文可知此处记者是询问Andrew除了去沙滩、玩排球还做什么别的事情。
   5. F 此处应是对问句“ 你准备呆多久” 的
   例三 用适当的单词填空,完成对话。每空一词。(2011年福建福州)
   A: Excuse me, may I smoke here?
   B: Look at the sign, please. It says “No Smoking”.
   A: Would you 1.________my smoking in the office next door?
   B: I’m afraid not. All the offices are nonsmoking areas.
   A: Oh, dear! 2.________ can I smoke, then?
   B: There is a smoking room 3._________the first floor. You may smoke there.
   A: Sorry, I’m 4._________here. Could you please show me the way?
   B: Sure. Follow me, please. I’m afraid smoking is bad for your health. You’d better 5. _________it up.
   A: Thanks for your advice. I’ll think about it.
   1. mind 考查英语中常见的句型“Would you mind my doing sth.?( 你介意我做某事吗?)”。
   2. Where 根据下文中的回答可知此句是在询问地点。
   3. on 表示“ 在第……层” 用介词on。
   4. new 由下一句的“ 你可以为我指路吗?” 可知,此处需要表达“我刚来这儿”。
   5. give 此处考查固定词组give up(放弃)。
  plan warm much help where
   A: Hello, could you help me with vacation 1. _________ ?
   B: 2. _________ will you travel?
   A: I am open to suggestions at this point.
   B: Will you go to a place that has a 3._________ climate, or would you like to go somewhere with a cool climate?
   A: I would like to travel to a cooler destination (目的地).
   B: I can give you some guidebooks that can give you some ideas.
   A: Thank you. I will look at them right now.
   B: How 4. _________ will you spend on this trip?
   A: About one hundred dollars a day.
   B: OK. I’ll be happy to 5. you make a wonderful plan.
   习题二: 根据对话内容,从方框中选出正确选项,使对话完整、通顺。其中有两项多余。
   A: Hi, Heather. 1. _________
   B: Well, George, I guess I will.
   A: I have just gotten two movie tickets. 2._________ Are you interested in the movie Letters to God?
   B: Yeah, definitely! You know I really wanted to watch it but the tickets were sold out. 3. _________
   A: A friend of mine works at the Star Theater. He helped me get two tickets.
   B: 4._________
   A: I paid $30 for each ticket.
   B: Well, what time shall we meet?
   A: Let’s see. The movie will start at 8:00 pm. 5._________ We should get there at least one hour earlier. I can pick you up at 6:00 pm.
   B: OK. See you.
   A. How did you manage to get them?
   B. There’ll be many people waiting to see the movie.
   C. Can’t you buy the tickets somewhere else?
   D. In fact, you don’t have to do this.
   E. I plan to invite you to go with me.
   F. I was wondering if you would be free tomorrow night.
   G. How much did you pay for one ticket?
   习题三: 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式。每空一词。
   Ann: Hi! Welcome to Housing Management. May I help you?
   Bill: Hi, yes. I would like to 1._________(租用) a two-bedroom apartment.
   Ann: I’d like to ask you a few 2. _________(问题) before I show you around the apartments we have right now. First, what 3. _________(价格) are you interested in?
   Bill: 4._________ ( 介于……之间) $400 and $450 a month.
   Ann: Okay. Did you have an ideal (理想的) place in mind?
   Bill: Well, I would like to live somewhere 5._________ ( 在……附近) the school.
   Ann: And when would you like to
  6. _________(搬) in?
   Bill: Next month.
   Ann: I see. Are there any 7._________(其他的) things you need in the house?
   Bill: I would like to have a 8._________ (厨房) and a television.
   Ann: I got it. Here are 9._________ (照片) of the apartments we have.
   Bill: Thank you. This one on Broadway Avenue 10._________(看起来) nice.
   Ann: Let me fetch the key and we will have a look at it.
   Bill: Great! Thank you.
   习题四: 根据对话,在空白处填入适当的单词,使对话完整、通顺。每空一词。
   A: I’m really excited at having my summer holiday, but I have no 1._________ what to do.
   B: Well, let me see. 2. _________ you ever gone camping?
   A: No, I haven’t. Is it fun?
   B: Sure, it is. I 3._________camping very much, but I haven’t done it 4._________ a long time. Anyway, I’ll go camping this holiday. Are you 5. _________in joining me?
   A: Yes, but I know little about that. Can you tell me 6. _________ about it?
   B: Of course. What would you like to know?
   A: 7. _________ do you camp?
   B: Oh, there are lots of 8._________ where you can go camping, such as parks, forests, mountains and deserts.
   A: I see. Is it expensive to go camping?
   B: That really depends. If you want to stay in a comfortable house, the cost would be several hundred dollars for a few days, but if you just want to spend a walking holiday, it’s quite 9. _________.
   A: That sounds fun. Perhaps I should go 10._________ you.
   习题五: 在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。
   A: Hello, Miss. 1._________ ?
   B: I am not feeling well. I have a sore throat.
   A: 2._________ . Do you have a fever or a headache?
   B: I felt a little tired when I got up this morning.
   A: Well, open your mouth and say “ah…”. Eh, your throat looks a little red. Let me check your tongue… Hmm, it seems okay.
   B: Doctor, what’s wrong with me?
   A: Well, there is nothing serious. Now tell me, 3. _________ ?
   B: Yes, I didn’t sleep until 12 o’clock every night recently.
   A: 4. _________ ?
   B: Because I had to prepare for the coming exam.
   A: You really need to relax. Lack of sleep can lead to many problems.
   A: Can you tell me what I should do?
   B: 5. _________ .
   A: OK. Thank you so much.
   1. plans 2. Where 3. warm
   4. much 5. help
   1—5 FEAGB
   1. rent 2. questions 3. price
   4. Between 5. near 6. move
   7. other 8. kitchen 9. photos/ pictures
   10. looks
   1. idea 2. Have 3. like/ enjoy
   4. for 5. interested 6. something
   7. Where 8. places 9. cheap
   10. with
   1. What’s wrong/ the matter (with you)
   2. Don’t worry/ Don’t be nervous
   3. did you sleep late recently
   4. Why did you sleep so late
   5. Now you should have a good rest and drink more water/You’d better have a good rest/ You’d better go to bed early and drink more water…
摘 要:当代资本主义国家大都认识到,现代国家的教育具有直接促进经济、科技发展和开发人力资源的巨大经济功利价值;同时,具有促进社会整合,促进人的心智发展,促进社会平等、社会凝聚和文化认同等非功利的价值。所以,现代社会必须有教育的发展才能保证现代国家协调、稳定和可持续地发展。  关键词:当代资本主义国家;教育事业;理论与实践    发达的教育是当代资本主义国家保持强大生命力的原动力,也是在当代世界经济
摘 要:美国的博士学位分为哲学博士(PhD,学术型博士)、专业博士(professional Doctorate)和文科博士(Doctor of Arts, 教学博士)三类。哲学博士强调培养研究人员,专业博士强调培养专业人才,而文科博士则是为了满足培养大学本科教师的需求。本文主要研究美国专业博士学位的发展,总结其发展特征,并为我国建立专业博士学位教育提出一些建议。  关键词:美国;专业博士;特征;
一、现在完成时的构成   现在完成时是由“助动词have/ has+动词的过去分词”构成。主语是第三人称单数时用has, 其余人称用have。例如:   Peter has written six papers so far.   彼得到目前为止已做了六张试卷。   They have just had their lunch.   他们刚吃过午饭
摘 要:百年大计,教育为本,构建和谐社会有赖于构建和谐教育。和谐教育让每一位学生都能全面发展、健康成长,让每一位学生都学会做人,学会认知,学会做事,学会合作,学会生存和发展。  关键词:和谐教育;理论思考    构建社会主义和谐社会,是我国新时期一项重要战略决策。和谐社会的基本特征是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处,也是社会经济、政治、文化、教育的协调。百年大计,
1. Many fast food restaurants,therefore,have red furniture or walls.   因此,许多快餐店用红色的家具或墙壁。   【知识点拨】therefore用作副词,意为“因此”“所以”,通常放在句首或句中。放在句中时,其前后都可用逗号隔开。therefore前可用and,and前用逗号。例如:   There
摘要:著名的幼儿教育家蒙台梭利,一生从事幼儿教育的实验研究,提出了许多独特的幼儿教育理论观点,对世界幼儿教育的发展产生了巨大的影响。在当代,学习蒙台梭利的教育思想和教育方法对学前儿童仍具有特殊的意义。  关键词:蒙台梭利;教育思想;教育方法  On Montessori’s Education Thought  Xu Zheng-zheng  (Liaoning Normal University