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蕞尔小国黎巴嫩历来都是各种国际势力激烈角逐的场所:黎巴嫩与叙利亚历史上关系特殊。在奥斯曼帝国统治的400年间,有350年两国是在一起作为“大叙利亚省”存在的,1920年又皆由法国托管。黎巴嫩独立以来,叙利亚坚持在黎有特殊利益,至今仍有两万叙军人在黎驻扎;黎巴嫩与巴勒斯坦关系微妙,1948年第一次中东战争后,大批巴难民涌入黎巴嫩,巴方各种武装力量也屡屡从黎境内袭扰以色列,其引发的矛盾直接酿成黎巴嫩内战,至今仍有近50万巴难民滞留黎境内;亲伊朗的真主党在黎巴嫩南部及贝卡谷地建立反以基地,使黎巴嫩与伊朗的关系也变得复杂;黎巴嫩与以色列则一直处于敌对状态,以军撤出黎南部后,边境局势虽有缓和,但仍存在许多激化局势的诱因。由于黎巴嫩与周边国家关系复杂微妙,它在盘根错节的地区冲突中自然难以独善其身。伊战后,美国曾指责黎巴嫩藏匿伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器,遭到黎巴嫩政府断然否定。 The small country of Lebanon Lebanon has always been a place where all kinds of international fierce competitions have taken place: Lebanon has a special history with Syria. During the 400 years of the Ottoman rule, 350 years existed together as “the Greater Syrian Arab Province” and in 1920 it was hosted by France. Since the independence of Lebanon, Syria has insisted on having special interests in Lebanon. So far, 20,000 Syrian military personnel are still stationed in Lebanon. Lebanon and Palestine are delicate relations. After the first Middle East war in 1948, a large number of Palestine refugees flooded into Lebanon and all Palestinian armed groups The forces also repeatedly harass Israel from Lebanon. The contradiction that led to it directly led to the Lebanon civil war. So far, nearly 500,000 Pakistani refugees still remain in Lebanon. Hezbollah, the pro-Iranian leader, has set up an anti-Al-Qa’eda base in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa valley, Relations with Iran have also become more complicated. Lebanon and Israel have been hostile to each other. After the withdrawal of Israeli troops from southern Lebanon, the situation on the border has eased, but there are still many incentives to intensify the situation. Due to the complex and delicate relations between Lebanon and the neighboring countries, it naturally can not be better left alone in the plausible regional conflicts. After the Iraq war, the United States accused Lebanon of hijacking Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction and categorically denied the Lebanese government.
目的研究原发性骨质疏松症人群的特征性舌象参数。方法筛选老年人群567例,其中男性183例、女性384例。采集数字化舌象,分析舌象图片取得参数值。结果 567例老年患者分为3组: