
来源 :中国麻风杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxcasd456
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本文对我国历史上有关麻风病人的法律作一简要回顾。早在公元前523年(春秋时期)就记载了由于恶疾(包括麻风病)而不得嗣立为王侯的史料。公元前217年秦始皇三十年以前规定的供狱吏办案参考的案例中记载着麻风患者犯了其它死罪,可用水淹或活埋。犯罪判3—4年徒刑者,患了麻风病则遗送麻风所淹死。这是残暴对待麻风病人的法律。汉、唐以后,历代王朝对麻风病患者,在伦理上、政治上都表现出岐视,贵为王侯,患了麻风病也不能在京城居住,妇女患了麻风,丈夫拋弃她也不受法律限制。总之,旧中国关于麻风病人的法律规定,是极端岐视麻风病人的。新中国成立以后,卫生部在一九五七年颁布的《全国麻风防治规划》,事实上起了《麻风防治法》的作用,对控制我国麻风病的流行,起到了积极作用。但是实践证明,该规划中有些地方落后于形势的发展。因此,我们认为,最好是以《麻风防治法》来代替。 This article gives a brief review of the history of our country’s law on leprosy. As early as 523 BC (Spring and Autumn Period) recorded as a result of ailments (including leprosy) and not stand princely historical materials. In the case of the reference of the jiwuli case set forth by the Qin Shi Huang Thirty years ago in 217 BC, the leprosy patient recorded other deaths that could be flooded or buried alive. Criminals sentenced to 3 to 4 years imprisonment, leprosy was leprosy drowned. This is a law that brutally treats leprosy patients. Han and Tang Dynasties, the ancient dynasties of leprosy patients, ethically and politically have shown discrimination, expensive princely, suffering from leprosy can not live in the capital, women have leprosy, her husband abandoned her nor Legal restrictions. In short, the old law of China on leprosy patients is an extreme discrimination against leprosy. After the founding of New China, the “National Plan for Leprosy Control and Prevention” promulgated by the Ministry of Health in 1957 actually played a role in the “Leprosy Prevention and Control Law” and played a positive role in controlling the epidemic of leprosy in our country. However, practice has proved that some places in the plan lag behind the development of the situation. Therefore, we think it is best to replace it with the “Leprosy Control Law.”
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