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建立现代企业制度的难点究竟在哪里?我们为什么要讲这个问题?就像新买的汽车要在街上跑跑一样,在新旧制度交替之间, 这也算是磨合的过程。中央为什么十分重视建立现代企业制度,这一点大家都很清楚,至于如何表达它,这要等试点完了以后才能够表达得更准确。 在开始试点以前,提出过一些问题,都是意向性的,究竟如何做还要看实践,实践是检验真理的唯一标准。所以我想,要建立现代企业制度,首先要解放思想,像毛主席所讲的,要开动脑筋,放下包袱。原来的那一套已变成了包袱背在了我们身上,原来的制度遗留下的问题,包括我们身上背的各种各样的负担和包袱,都在很大程度上影响了我们的思想解放,现在看来这个问题很重要,放下包袱,解放思想,也就是毛主席讲的开 Where are the difficulties in establishing a modern enterprise system? Why do we need to talk about this issue? Just like new cars are to be run in the streets, between the old and the new system, this is also a running-in process. The Central Government attaches great importance to the establishment of a modern enterprise system. This is all very clear to everyone. As for how to express it, it will be more accurate to wait until the trial is over. Before the trial began, some questions were raised. They were all intentional. How to do it depends on practice. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. Therefore, I think that if we want to establish a modern enterprise system, we must first emancipate our minds and, as Chairman Mao put it, use its brains and lay down its burdens. The original set has become a burden on us. The problems left behind by the original system, including the various burdens and burdens on us, have greatly affected our ideological liberation. Now, it seems that this issue is very important. Put aside the burden and emancipate the mind, which is what Chairman Mao said.
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