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中储粮管理总公司实行垂直管理后,为国家承担了大量中央储备粮出口任务,有效缓解了国内粮食市场压力。但是,粮食出库集港后,出口承储企业未能及时、足额收到货款和补贴,长期、大量拖欠农发行贷款本息。出口贷款管理中存在的问题,根本原因是出口管理方式没有理顺。亟须按照党的十六大关于“深化流通体制改革,发展现代流通方式”的要求,正视存在的问题,认真总结分析,并以与时俱进的创新精神,立足于建立长期稳定的出口体制,抓紧改革完善现行出口管理方式。一、中央储备粮出口贷款管理中存在的主要问题现行中央储备粮出口计划的执行,由中储粮管理总公司负责组织粮源,委托中粮进出口公司代理出口,各基层承储企业具体负责粮食出库集 After implementing the vertical management, China Grain Reserves Management Corporation undertook a large number of tasks for the central government to export grain and effectively alleviated the pressure on the domestic food market. However, after the grain is shipped out of port for collection, the export-bearing enterprises fail to receive the payment and subsidies in full and in time and owe a large amount of arrears to the principal and interest of the Agricultural Development Bank loans. The basic reason for the problems in export loan management is that the export management has not been rationalized. It is imperative to follow the requirements of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on “deepening the reform of the circulation system and developing the modern circulation system”, face up to existing problems, conscientiously sum up and analyze, innovate with the times, and establish a long-term and stable export system Pay Close Attention to Reform and Improve the Existing Export Administration. I. Major Issues in the Management of the Central Reserve Grain Export Loans The current implementation of the Central Reserve Grain Export Plan is carried out by the Central Grain Reserves Management Corporation in charge of organizing grain sources and entrusts COFCO Import and Export Company to export its products. set
目的 探讨精神分裂症患者杀亲行为的特征及相关的精神病理学的差异.方法 采用自编犯罪学调查表对61例精神分裂症患者以亲属为凶杀对象的凶杀案,与68例以非亲属为凶杀对象的凶
三氯生具有一定的毒性,对环境和人体造成一定污染和伤害,本文通过不同方法综合阐述了三氯生的检测方法以及总结了三氯生检测的研究进展。 Triclosan has certain toxicity,
张灵是北京一家IT公司的人力资源部经理,最近她时常被老板叫过去谈话,原因是公司员工流动性过高。众所周知,IT公司的员工流动性本身就很高,IT员工也非常好找工作,另外, Zhan
本文从对外汉语教学的角度出发,对“一……就……”句式与相关句式进行了比较,有语内对比,也有语际对比.将“一……就……”句式与“一V,……”、“才……就……”、“as soo