Suppressing tumor growth of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by hTERTC27 polypeptide delivered through adeno

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Nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC) is a metastatic carcinoma that is highly prevalent in Southeast Asia. Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that the C-terminal 27-kDa polypeptide of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERTC27) inhibits the growth and tumorigenicity of human glioblastoma and melanoma cells. In this study, we investigated the antitumor effect of hTERTC27 in human C666-1 NPC cells xenografted in a nude mouse model. A cocktail of vectors comprising recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) and recombinant adenovirus (rAdv) that each carry hTERTC27 (rAAV-hTERTC27 and rAdv- hTERTC27; the cocktail was abbreviated to rAAV/rAdv-hTERTC27) was more effective than either rAAV- hTERTC27 or rAdv-hTERTC27 alone in inhibiting the growth of C666-1 NPC xenografts. Furthermore, we established three tumors on each mouse and injected rAAV/rAdv-hTERTC27 into one tumor per mouse. Although hTERTC27 expression could only be detected in the injected tumors, reduced tumor growth was observed in the injected tumor as well as the uninjected tumors, demonstrating that the vector cocktail could provoke an antitumor effect on distant, metastasized tumors. Further studies showed the observed antitumor effects included inducing necrosis and apoptosis and reducing microvessel density. Together, our data suggest that the rAAV/rAdv-hTERTC27 cocktail can potently inhibit NPC tumor growth in both local and metastasized tumors and should be further developed as a novel gene therapy strategy for NPC. Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that the C-terminal 27-kDa polypeptide of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERTC27) inhibits the growth and tumorigenicity of human glioblastoma and melanoma cells . In this study, we investigated the antitumor effect of hTERTC27 in human C666-1 NPC cells xenografted in a nude mouse model. A cocktail of vectors comprising recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) and recombinant adenovirus (rAdv) that each carried hTERTC27 ( rAAV-hTERTC27 and rAdv-hTERTC27; the cocktail was abbreviated to rAAV / rAdv-hTERTC27) was more effective than either rAAV- hTERTC27 or rAdv-hTERTC27 alone in inhibiting the growth of C666-1 NPC xenografts. each mouse and injected rAAV / rAdv-hTERTC27 into one tumor per mouse. Although hTERTC27 expression could only be detected in the injected tumors, reduced tumor growth was obse rved in the injected tumor as well as the uninjected tumors, demonstrating that the vector cocktail could provoke an antitumor effect on distant, metastasized tumors. Further studies showed the observed antitumor effects included inducing necrosis and apoptosis and reducing microvessel density. Together, our data suggest that the rAAV / rAdv-hTERTC27 cocktail can potently inhibit NPC tumor growth in both local and metastasized tumors and should be further developed as a novel gene therapy strategy for NPC.
目的 观察分析经阴式全子宫切除术患者的围手术期护理.方法 以2018年1月~2019年4月为时间段,选择本院收治的50例经阴式全子宫切除术患者,将其随机分成对照组、研究组,每组25例
[摘要]中学语文要注重培养学生的创新精神。语文教师应弘扬个性,创造性地理解和使用教材,并营造宽松教学氛围,多开展交锋讨论。作文训练以培养学生思维多向性为主。开展丰富多彩的课外活动以培养创造能力。  [关键词]语文教学 创新精神    一部人类的进步史就是一部创造发明史,创造性对人类来说具有至关重要的意义。我们当前大力提倡的素质教育的核心就是培养学生的创新素质。《语文课程标准》明确指出:中学语文教学
摘 要 碳配额的法律待遇尚未有明确的界定,本文从经济学和法学两个视角对碳配额的法律性质进行了分析:在经济学家看来,碳配额是一种产权;在法学家看来,第一,碳配额是一种用益物权,第二,碳配额是一种具有强烈公权色彩的私权。在此基础上,进一步分析了碳配额在金融服务条例和会计准则中的法律待遇。研究结果表明:第一,碳配额适用ISDⅡ,但影响程度不确定;第二,修正后的《国际会计准则》为碳配额创设一种新类型的无形
[摘要]习语是一项承载着深厚文化底蕴的表达方式,尽管有时候,不同文化的习语之间有着相同的背景。由于文化差异和文化起源的关系,汉语的成语和英语的习语之间有着相当大的差别。本文通过调查研究案例,试分析并总结英汉之间的文化相同点和不同点,并努力探讨在翻译习语时所需要注意的三种方法:直译法、意译法以及直接与间接结合法。  [关键词]习语 文化差异 翻译 准则 方法  [中图分类号]G304 [文献标识码]
[摘要]新课程背景下,处理好预设与生成之间的关系,是提高课堂教学效益、实现理想课堂的关键所在。下面就此谈谈个人粗浅的看法。  [关键词]新课程 灵活 切入    一、把握重难点,充分灵活完成预设    新课程标准对教学预设的要求,是真正把握教材文本的重点难点,真正关注学生的发展,为师生在教学过程中发挥创造性提供条件。  1. 认真钻研教材、学情,精心谋划预设。预设能否促进课堂有效生成,关键看教师在
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新课程的实施,给老师带来了严峻的挑战和不可多得的机遇,教师的角色发生了深刻的变化。由“独奏者”的角色逐步过渡到“伴奏者”的角色。把课堂交给学生,让学生成为学习的主人,在教学过程中,要充分发挥学生的积极性和主动性已不是一种口号,对老师提出了较高的要求。    一、转变教学观念    教学过程中,教师要明确教学的根本目的是为了学生的“学”。为了学生的“学”最终能够摆脱老师的“教”。把学生看作教育的主体