长期以来,乡村道路农机交通安全管理一直是困扰农机监理机关的一道难题,特别是乡村农机交通肇事逃逸案件 (以下简称交通肇事逃逸案件 )更令农机监理员伤透脑筋。如何及时侦破和从根本上预防、减少这类案件的发生关系到农村稳定,关系到农机监理机关的形象。 肇事逃逸案的侦
For a long time, the agricultural traffic safety management of rural roads has always been a problem that plagued the supervisory organs of agricultural machinery. In particular, the cases of traffic accident escaping in the rural agricultural machinery (hereinafter referred to as traffic accident escaping cases) made the agricultural supervisors even more troubling. How to promptly detect and prevent and reduce the occurrence of such cases has a bearing on the stability of rural areas and the image of the supervisory organ of agricultural machinery. Investigation of the accidental escape case