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恶性肿瘤并发恶性胸水常见,约占各种原因所致胸腔积液的25%~39%,尚无满意疗法,预后较差。我们1988年9月至1991年12月采用胸腔闭式引流并注入顺铂的方法,治疗了9例晚期恶性肿瘤并发恶性胸水的病人,效果较为满意。方法与结果一、治疗对象:为经病理证实的恶性肿瘤。在9例患者中,男性6例,女性3例,年龄28岁~66岁,平均47岁。其中肺癌3例,消化道肿瘤2例,胸膜间皮瘤、恶性黑色素瘤、乳腺癌、横纹肌肉瘤各1例。所有患者均并发大量血性胸水(3例胸水中找到癌细胞),在接受闭式引流前反复抽过胸水3~6次,胸片仍提示有大量积液。二、方法:患者坐位,经常规消毒局麻后在患侧腋中线第8肋间胸穿,见胸水后换套管针穿入胸 Malignant tumors are often complicated by malignant pleural effusions, accounting for 25% to 39% of pleural effusions caused by various causes. There is no satisfactory therapy and the prognosis is poor. From September 1988 to December 1991, we used closed thoracic drainage and injected cisplatin to treat 9 patients with malignant malignant pleural effusions. The results were satisfactory. Methods and Results I. Treatment Target: Malignant tumors confirmed by pathology. In 9 patients, there were 6 males and 3 females, aged 28 to 66 years old, with an average age of 47 years. There were 3 cases of lung cancer, 2 cases of gastrointestinal cancer, 1 case of pleural mesothelioma, malignant melanoma, breast cancer, and rhabdomyosarcoma. All patients were complicated by massive amounts of bloody pleural effusions (3 cases of cancer cells in pleural effusion). They had repeatedly pumped pleural effusion 3 to 6 times before undergoing closed drainage. The chest radiograph still indicated a large amount of fluid. Second, the method: patients sitting, after routine disinfection of local anesthesia in the affected side of the midline of the 8th intercostal thoracic wear, see pleural effusion after the trocar into the chest
本文报道130例原发性肝癌的首发症状,其中以上腹痛最常见,占77%(101/130),其次有腹泻,上腹饱 This article reported the first symptoms of 130 cases of primary liver ca
我院1964年以来共收治转移性心包肿瘤22例,均经心包液细胞学检查或尸检确诊,分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 性别与年龄 男16例,女6例。25~30岁2例,31~40岁3例,41~50岁7例,51~60岁7
检测甲胎蛋白方法很多,今就应用酶标电泳测定法,检测3477例血清甲胎蛋白的情况报告如下: 一、标本来源 1986年9月和1987年7月我所分别对广西梧州市郊区长洲乡、广西平南县三
关键词:使用时间Q 1儿童餐桌椅可以使用多长时间?——论坛ID I zwendy A目前世面上的餐桌椅分两种:一种是只具有餐椅功能的,使用时间一般为6个月~1岁;另外一种是具有餐椅和桌
前纵隔原发性恶性纤维组织细胞瘤在国内未见报道,现报告1例如下: 患者,男性,39岁,农民。间歇性胸痛5年,无发热、咳嗽及心悸,X线胸片发现前纵隔肿块而入院。 体查:一般情况良