老年人生理适应与防卫能力进行性下降,对有害因子易伤性增加,导致多种老年病的发生。因此,免疫系统功能与衰老的关系问题,已是现代老年病学和免疫学进行多方深入研究的重要内容。我们近两年多来对老年人免疫功能变化做了临床观察检测与统计分析。现报告如下。 1.临床资料
Physiological adaptation and defense of the elderly decreased progressively, increased vulnerability to harmful factors, leading to the occurrence of a variety of geriatric diseases. Therefore, the issue of the relationship between immune system function and aging has become an important part of multidimensional and in-depth research in modern geriatrics and immunology. In the past two years or so, we have made clinical observation and statistical analysis on the changes of immune function in the elderly. The report is as follows. 1. Clinical data