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最近一段时间以来,美国在贸易保护的路上越走越远。11月17日,美国商务部宣布对中国生产的胸罩、袍服和针织布3种纺织品采取特别保障措施,企图为经营不善的美国纺织业赢得喘息之机。11月21日,美国国际贸易委员会又通过决议,认为来自中国的可锻铸铁管件侵害了美国的工业利益,决定对中国的可锻铸铁管件征收反倾销税。据悉,美国商务部还在对美纺织业先前提出的手套特保申请进行评估。美国纺织业界还表示,将很快时中国生产的袜子提出类似申请。对中国纺织品设限是少数人的阴谋美国政府公布对中国纺织品采取特保措施后,美国有线电视新闻网、《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《华尔街日报》等美国主流媒体均对此事件进行了大量报道,将此次对中国纺织品设限与去年的“钢铁案”相对照,认为美国贸易政策的保护主义倾向日趋明显。去年3月,布什政府决定动用201保障措施,对进口钢铁产品提高关税。11月10日,世贸组织上诉委员会裁定,美国这一做法违背了国际贸易规则。美媒体认为,布什政府对中国纺织品重新设限的做法与“钢铁案”一样没道理,所不同的是,美国的钢铁保障措施是针对欧盟、中国、日本、韩国、巴西等众多世贸成员,而此次矛头则指向中国一家。美国著名思想库凯托研究所贸易政策专家艾肯森说:“美国对华纺织品设限是布什政府在自由贸易政策方面的又一次倒退。”他认为,美国 In the recent period, the United States has gone further and further in the road of trade protection. On November 17, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced that it will take special safeguard measures against the three types of Chinese-made bras, robes and knit fabrics in an attempt to regain control over the badly run U.S. textile industry. November 21, the US International Trade Commission passed a resolution that the malleable cast iron pipe from China against U.S. industrial interests, decided to impose anti-dumping duties on China’s malleable iron pipe fittings. It is reported that the United States Department of Commerce is still on the United States textile industry previously proposed glove application assessment. The US textile industry also said it will soon apply similar socks made in China. Constraints on Chinese Textiles are the Plot of Minorities After the U.S. government announced that it would take special safeguard measures against Chinese textiles, all major U.S. media, including CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal, The incident has been extensively reported. Compared with the “steel case” of last year, the current restrictions on Chinese textile products are believed to be more and more obvious in the protectionist tendencies of U.S. trade policy. In March last year, the Bush administration decided to use 201 safeguards to raise tariffs on imported steel products. On November 10, the WTO Appeal Board ruled that the U.S. move violated the rules of international trade. The U.S. media think that the Bush administration’s reinstatement of Chinese textile products is as irrational as the “steel case.” The difference is that the U.S. steel safeguard measures are aimed at many WTO members such as the EU, China, Japan, South Korea and Brazil , While the spearhead is pointing to a Chinese family. Aiken Sen, a trade policy expert at the famous American think-tank Research Institute, said: “The U.S. restrictions on textiles in China are another retrogressive move by the Bush administration in free trade policy.” "He believes that the United States