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随着国民经济改革形势的发展,近三年来,机床市场潮涨潮落,87年机床市场如何,且作如下预测: 一、指令性计划再缩小市场调节又扩大 79年以后,生产资料作为商品进入市场自由买卖,其深度和广度将与日俱增。去年9月初,唐山全国机械产品87年指令性计划订货表明,87年金切机床指令性计划为2.5万台,占预计年产量的21.93%,剔除由各单位自提要求,但不属国家计委指令规模的指导性数字约2%,实为19.93%。86年金切机床指令性计划为3.6万台,占产量的30%,即 With the development of the national economic reform, in the past three years, the machine tool market has been booming and falling, and the machine tool market in the year 87, and the following predictions have been made: First, the mandatory plan has reduced the market adjustment and expanded. After 79 years, the means of production entered as commodities. The market is free to trade, and its depth and breadth will increase. At the beginning of September last year, orders for Tangshan National Machinery’s 87-year mandatory plan indicated that the 87-year-old gold-cutting machine command plan was 25,000 units, accounting for 21.93% of the projected annual output, which was removed from the request of various units but was not considered by the State Planning Commission. The guideline number of instructional figures is about 2%, which is actually 19.93%. The 86-year-old Jinqi Machine Tool has a command plan of 36,000 sets, accounting for 30% of the output, that is,
冶金部重点钢铁企业动力系统竞赛组长会议于1985年8月21日至23日在大组长单位——鞍钢召开。会议检查了上半年竞赛工作的开展情况;研究了重庆会议遗留的和新出现的问 The m
我处共有15个运行站,1984年前,红旗站的评比因无考核办法,评比时各站长坐在一起,不是打不开情面不发言,就是对评比来的红旗站不服气,只好轮流坐庄。 There are 15 operatin
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经国务院批准,我国将对耗油高,效益差、达到报废标准的汽车实行强制更新。这是1986年在北京召开的全国老旧汽车报废更新工伤会议上宣布的。 With the approval of the Stat
庭院深深  在村乡庭院一角,  我发现如此幽秘的一窝雨水。  它被古老的瓦缶喂养着,  羞怯如枝叶掩藏的一枚青桃,  娴静又像一个“从未照过人影的泉眼。”  ——这是六月的黄昏。祈雨的  风再次被乌云瓦解。  我看见一窝星星的梦,掩映在庭院一角。  青草簇拥着它;  瓦缶漆黑,  愈加映衬出它冷暗的清亮。  它来自哪一场雨?由多少滴檐雨组合而成?  多少风流云散才能平复它一度动荡的  身体——慢慢
小西六照相工业公司将投资1亿多美元在美国的北卡罗来纳州的格林博罗(Greenboro)建立第 Xiaoxi VI Photo Industries will invest more than 100 million U.S. dollars in