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农业科研单位的科技档案种类很多,有研究课题档案、科研管理档案、仪器设备档案、情报编译档案、学术活动档案、基本建设档案等。在这许多种档案中,研究课题档案所占的比例很大,是农科档案的主要(主体)部分。如我院水稻研究所共有各种科技档案583卷,而研究课题档案就有441卷,占整个科技档案的75%以上。同时,研究课题档案是农业科研活动全过程的真实记录,是科研人员的科研活动和科技思想的凭证,是农业科技情报的一种资源和农业科技信息的一种载体,也是进行科技交流的工具。因此,农业科研单位要实现科学管理,文明科研,就必须搞好研究课题档案的管理。 There are many types of scientific and technological archives in agricultural research institutes, such as research project files, scientific research management archives, equipment files, intelligence compilation files, academic activities archives, and capital construction archives. Among the many kinds of archives, the proportion of research project archives is very large, which is the main (main) part of agricultural archives. For example, there are 583 volumes of various scientific and technological archives in our institute’s rice research institute, while there are 441 volumes of research subject files, accounting for more than 75% of the entire scientific and technological archives. At the same time, research project files are the true record of the whole process of agricultural research activities, scientific research personnel scientific and technological activities and credentials of science and technology, a resource for agricultural science and technology information and agricultural science and technology information as a carrier, but also a tool for scientific and technological exchanges . Therefore, to achieve scientific management, civilized scientific research, agricultural research institutes must do a good job in the management of research project files.
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为了对档案实行现代化科学管理,迅速提供档案为各方面的工 作服务,云南天文台采用云南电子设备厂组装的YEE——8300型电子计算机将该台档案的案卷目录、卷内目录、卡片等输
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经省人民政府批准,云南省计委、云南省档案局于十月二十七日至三十日在昆召开了全省重点工程建设项目档案工作会议。 参加会议的有城建、轻工、电力、煤炭等十八个主管部门