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大半年前的某一天,皇马说:“我们不要罗纳尔多。”大半年前的又某一天,罗纳尔多闪电转会皇马。大半年后的某一天,皇马说:“我们不要贝克汉姆。”然而实际上,这世上除了曼联,皇马将是超级帅哥、顶级偶像小贝的最佳归宿;也只有皇马这样的球队和这样的俱乐部,才能成为贝克汉姆这样的球员的容身之所。那么,什么样的球队会要小贝?皇马是这 One day six months ago, Real Madrid said: “We do not want Ronaldo.” Another day a year or so before, Ronaldo sent Lightning to Real Madrid. Someday six months later, Real Madrid said: “We do not want David Beckham.” In fact, in addition to Manchester United in this world, Real Madrid will be super-handsome, top idol Beckham’s best destination; only Real Madrid such a ball Team and club like this, to become such a player David Beckham’s place. So, what kind of team will Beckham? Real Madrid is this
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