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随着社会生产力的飞速发展,交通运输变得越来越重要,而作为公路工程的枢纽,桥梁工程在国民经济中占有重要的地位,一旦出现安全或经济问题,将浪费巨大的社会财富,损失大量的国有资产,因此,荷载标准成为了公路桥梁结构安全性和使用性的重要指标。本文旨在从国民经济和财产安全的角度讨论荷载标准值在公路桥梁设计中的适用性。 With the rapid development of social productive forces, transportation becomes more and more important. As a hub of highway engineering, bridge engineering occupies an important position in the national economy. In case of safety or economic problems, huge social wealth will be wasted and losses will be lost A large number of state-owned assets, therefore, the load standard has become an important indicator of highway bridge structure safety and usability. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the applicability of load standard values ​​in highway bridge design from the perspective of national economy and property safety.
《家用电器》95年9期邱雪延先生“家用电脑硬件配置之我见”一文的论点:家用电脑起初配置386SX/1MB,单显,单5寸软驱,无硬盘,用9针打印机即可。本人持不同看法。 1.买与不买
In the diagnosis of rotor crack based on wavelet analysis, it is a painful task to find out an adaptive mother wavelet as many of them can be chosen and the ana
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The advanced optimization method named as adaptive range differential evolution (ARDE) is developed. The optimization performance of ARDE is demonstrated using