中华人民共和国卫生部、中央爱国卫生运动委員会联合指示 大力开展冬春季传染病防治工作

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中央爱国卫生运动委員会、中华人民共和国卫生部于11月21日向各省、市、自治区爱国卫生运动委員会和卫生厅、局,发出“关于大力开展冬春季传染病防治工作的指示”。指示首先指出:今秋,各地在党的八屆八中全会决議的鼓舞下,認真貫彻了中央批轉中央爱委会、卫生部党组“关于开展夏秋季卫生运动的报告”的精神,掀起了一个以消灭蚊蝇、防治腸道传染病、大搞卫生来迎接建国十周年的除害灭病运动高潮,取得很大成績。各地四害普遍減少,疾病的发病率显著降低,广大城乡基本上达到了干干净净迎接建国十周年的要求。今年8、9月,江苏省乙型脑炎发病人数比去年同期減少了44.5%,山 On November 21, the Central Patriotic Health Campaign Committee and the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China issued the “Directive on Vigorously Carrying out Prevention and Cure of Infectious Diseases in Winter and Spring” to the Patriotic Health Campaign Committee, the Health Bureau and the Bureau of all provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions. The directive first pointed out: In the autumn of this year, inspired by the 8th Plenary Session of the 8th Plenary Session of the Party Central Committee, this year, the Central Government has conscientiously implemented the spirit of “Central Report on the Report of the Summer Love Strait Movement” by the Central Party Committee and the Ministry of Health, In order to eradicate mosquitoes and flies, prevent and cure intestinal infectious diseases, vigorously promote hygiene to meet the tenth anniversary of the founding of the climax of the campaign of eliminating pests and diseases and achieved great success. The prevalence of the four pests has been reduced everywhere and the incidence of diseases has been significantly reduced. The vast majority of urban and rural areas have basically reached the requirement of being clean and clean to meet the tenth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In August and September this year, the number of Japanese encephalitis cases in Jiangsu Province dropped by 44.5% over the same period of last year.
湖北省武汉市2001年度的房地产综合开发目标已确定为全年投资额110亿元,房屋开发竣工面积500万平方米。 为了完成这一目标,武汉市开发办在调查研究的基础上,分别向235家房地