初春,兰州的清晨,微微的寒风中透着丝丝暖意,天空是明朗的蓝,马路上车辆川流不息,行人迈着轻快而有节奏的步伐,又是一个祥和崭新的一天。东方红广场西侧,省国税局办公大楼前彩旗飘飘,鲜红的标语横幅和大彩球在风中扶摇,一派洋洋喜气,着装整洁英姿飒爽的税官们步履匆匆,但一个个喜形于色。 这是2003年的2月26日,按照甘肃省省长陆浩关于“要继续巩固先进文明行业创建工作成果,使‘三个环境’的营造和机关作风的转变在
Early spring, early morning in Lanzhou, a slight cold wind reveals a trace of warmth, the sky is clear blue, vehicles on the road endless stream of pedestrians marching light and rhythmic pace, but also a peaceful new day. On the west side of Dongfanghong Square, the front banners of the State Administration of Taxation and the office buildings of the State Administration of Taxation fluttered in front. The bright red banner banners and large colored balls shook in the wind, and the festive officials in charge of dress neat and tidy walked in a hurry. This is February 26, 2003. According to Lu Hao, governor of Gansu Province, “it is necessary to continue to consolidate the achievements made in the advanced and civilized industries so that the creation of a” three-environment "and the transformation of the organizational style are