,Influence of Different Interlayers on Growth Mode and Properties of InN by MOVPE

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Arqiu
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We grow InN epilayers on different interlayers by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy(MOVPE)method,and investigate the effect of interlayer on the properties and growth mode of InN films.Three InN samples were deposited on nitrided sapphire,low-temperature InN(LT-InN)and high-temperature GaN(HT-GaN),respectively.The InN layer grown directly on nitrided sapphire owns the narrowest x-ray diffraction rocking curve(XRC)width of 300 arcsec among the three samples,and demonstrates a two-dimensional(2D)step-flow-like lateral growth mode,which is much different from the three-dimensional(3D)pillar-like growth mode of LT-InN and HT-GaN buffered samples.It seems that mismatch tensile strain is helpful for the lateral epitaxy of InN film.whereas compressive strain promotes the vertical growth of InN films.
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小学数学蕴含了许多基本的数学思想方法。在课堂教学中,向学生渗透数学思想方法,既是数学教学改革的新视角,也是实施素质教育的一个突破口。因此,在数学课堂教学中,教师除了基础知识的教学外,还应重视数学思想的渗透。  一、化归思想  所谓“化归”,可以理解为转化和归结的意思。化归思想就是把将要解决的问题化为已知的或已经解决的问题的一种数学思想方法。《数学课程标准》明确指出,要根据学生的年龄特征和教学要求,
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现今科学课教师照本宣科、囫囵吞枣地说教讲课的现象屡见不鲜,根本谈不上运用电教手段辅助教学了。本文结合自己运用信息技术与小学科学探究整合的实践,谈几点认识。  一、营造氛围,激趣探究  小学科学探究的核心内容就是要让学生经历科学探究的过程。如果学生没有浓厚的兴趣,那么要他们自主完成科学探究是非常困难的。在教学中,教师首先就要设法激起学生探究的兴趣,为探究提供持续的动力。要激发学生的兴趣,方法很多,可
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