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目的了解四川省部分监督管理机构、生产经营企业对《预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB 28050-2011)的应用情况,并分析影响知晓的因素,为涉及《通则》管理的政府机构提供参考。方法通过问卷调查四川省监督管理机构、生产经营企业人员的基本情况、对《通则》的知晓、使用频次和评价情况及对通则各条目内容的理解程度,同时收集《通则》执行过程中遇到的主要问题以及反馈的建议;并对抽取的465份预包装食品的营养标签标示状况进行记录、分析。结果分别有83.7%、72.4%的调查对象认为通则基本合理、可操作性较好,有1/5的调查对象对通则具体内容不能完全理解,在应用过程中遇到过问题。88.2%的调查对象知晓《通则》,影响知晓率的因素有学历、工作年限、企业规模、企业人员所在部门、企业经营产品类型。预包装食品营养标签各标识项目合格率均达90%以上。结论调查四川省监督管理机构、生产经营企业人员多数认为《通则》的合理性、可操作性较好,但部分调查对象对通则知晓、理解仍有欠缺,尚有部分食品营养标签标识不合格,建议有针对性地开展相关培训,继续完善食品营养标签法规标准体系和监管工作。 Objective To understand the application of “General Principles of Nutrition Labeling for Prepackaged Food” (GB 28050-2011) by some regulatory bodies and production and operation enterprises in Sichuan Province and to analyze the influential factors to provide reference for government agencies involved in the administration of “General Rules”. Methods The questionnaires were used to survey the basic conditions of Sichuan supervision and management institutions, production and operation personnel, the knowledge of the General Rules, the frequency and evaluation of the General Rules and the understanding of the contents of the General Rules, and the collection of the General Rules The main issues and feedback suggestions; and 465 samples of pre-packaged food nutrition labeling records were analyzed. The results were 83.7%, 72.4% of the respondents believe that the General Rules are generally reasonable and feasible, and one-fifth of the respondents can not fully understand the specific content of the General Rules, encountered problems in the application process. 88.2% of the respondents are aware of the “General Rules,” and the factors that affect the rate of awareness are academic qualifications, working years, the scale of the enterprise, the department in which the enterprise staff is located, and the types of products that the enterprise manages. Pre-packaged food nutrition labeling of all logo items pass rate of more than 90%. Conclusions Most of the staffs in Sichuan supervision and management institutions and production and operation enterprises surveyed believed that the General Principles were reasonable and maneuverable, but some of the respondents were still aware of the General Rules and lack of understanding, and some of the labels of food nutrition labeling were still unqualified. It is suggested that relevant training should be carried out in a targeted manner and the laws and regulations on food labeling and supervision should continue to be improved.