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1.正负数四则运算法则 公元前200多年,汉朝数学家张苍写删补的《九章算术》卷八方程章载:“正负术曰:同名相除,异名相益,正无入负之,负无入正之;其异名相除,同名相益,正无入正之,负无入负之。”即正负数减法法则(同号相减,异号相加,零减去正数得负数,零减去负数得正数)和正负数加法则(异号相减,同号相加,零加上正数得正数,零加上负数得负数)。元朝数学家朱世杰著《算学启蒙》(公元1299年)中载:“同名相乘为正,异名相乘为负;同名相除为正,异名相除为负。”即正负数的乘除法运算法则。 1. Four-plus-four-plus-one algorithm In 200 BC, the Han dynasty mathematician Zhang Cang wrote a supplementary chapter on the “Eight Chapters of Arithmetic” volume of eight equations: “Positive and negative techniques: Divide by the same name, synonymous with different names, Is not in the negative, negative is not in the positive; the division of the same name, with the name of the benefits, is not in the positive, negative and negative.“ That is, the positive and negative number subtractive law (the same number to subtract, add different signs, Zero minus positive number has negative number, zero minus negative number has plus positive number and positive and negative number adds the law (the odd sign subtracts, the same sign adds, zero adds the positive number to have the positive number, zero adds the negative number to have the negative number). The Yuan Dynasty mathematician Zhu Shijie wrote in his book ”The Enlightenment of the Study of Mathematics“ (AD 1299): ”The multiplication of the same name is positive and the synonym of multiplication is negative; the division of the same name is positive, and the synonym of the same name is negative." Multiplication and division algorithm.
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结合实际案例详细介绍了满洲里铁路国际货场渗水盲沟的情况,提出了冬季施工的施工方案、工程安排及注意事项。 Combined with the actual case, the paper introduces the s
在阅读时评的过程中,总会让人觉得英雄气短。不是那时评的力度不足,而是读来读去总觉得缺乏技术含量。相比较而言,有一类时评写得从容有度,不那么急迫地拿出自己的观点,而是对种种现象观察之后得出的客观评价,这足够让人信服。在周濂的《你永远都无法叫醒一个装睡的人》中,我读到的就是这样的一种观察之后的审慎态度,而这对时评的浮躁来说,犹如一阵清风,读来令人赏心悦目。  确实,我们对待世间的万物总会有不同的看法,
通过研究海蜇池塘2茬养殖生产模式,提高了养殖效益。6月1日放苗养殖第1茬,7月底8月初收获。8月1日放养第2茬8~10 cm大规格苗种,10月份收获2茬海蜇。 By studying the 2 stubb