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初识黎泉,是在他那汉风魏骨、独具魅力的书法艺术作品之中。及至真正见到黎泉,则是在他那四壁字画、翰墨飘香的书屋“食纸斋”。有人说名家难见,我不免心里惴惴,而当我见到他时,他的热情而豁达,使笔者心头的顾虑顿时化为乌有。他告诉我,他姓赵名正,黎泉是笔名,今年52岁,1960年毕业于西北师范学院,党的培育和千里陇原这块肥沃的大地滋养了他的艺术才华。黎泉现任中国书法家协会理事、学术委员,甘肃省博物馆副馆长,甘肃老年大学书画系主任,甘肃省政协委员,兰州市书法家协会顾问等职。30年来,他一直从事书法实践和书法理论探讨,尤其是汉简 First met Li Quan, is in his Han Wei Wei bone, unique charm of calligraphy works. To see the real Li Quan, is in his four walls calligraphy, sweet fragrance of the bookstore “Food Paper ”. Some people say that the famous hard to find, I can not help my heart wandering, and when I met him, his enthusiasm and open-minded, so I worry about my heart suddenly vanished. He told me that his surname is Zhao Mingzheng and Li Quan is a pseudonym. He is 52 years old and graduated from the Northwest Normal University in 1960. The cultivation of the party and the fertile land of Trinidad and Tobago have nourished his artistic talent. Liquan is currently the director and academic committee of Chinese Calligraphers Association, the deputy director of Gansu Provincial Museum, the director of calligraphy and painting department of Gansu Senior University, member of CPPCC of Gansu Province, consultant of Lanzhou City Calligraphers Association. For 30 years, he has been engaged in calligraphy practice and calligraphy theory discussion, especially Han Jian
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