时光不能倒流 期待历史重演

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悉尼到雅典,四年一个轮回,孔令辉小球时代之绝唱,转瞬即成过眼云烟。这四年间,虽有大球、无遮挡、11分制等规则修改带来的震荡,但相对于欧洲人以赛代练、单枪匹马式的摸索,中国乒乓球队集体攻关的作用无坚不摧,实力有增无减。老中青三级梯队,都有一众实力派人物担纲,后备力量的厚实与强大,更令其它协会望尘莫及。与此同时,作为竞争对手中最重要的欧洲军团,却呈现每况愈下、青黄不接的颓势。现在的中国队,完善自身的意义要大于重视对手,借助举国体制支持下的超强效集训,通过无孔不入、细致入微的备战,只要加强心理素质,减轻临战压力,任何对手都无法撼动中国队的夺金气势。当包揽成为习惯,自信就成了条件反射,霸气随之物化为有形有质的护身符。回首前两届奥运会的辉煌,相信每位中国球员都会有这样的信心:时光虽不能倒流,历史却可以重演。 Sydney to Athens, a reincarnation of four years, Kong Ling Hui era glory era, instant has become over. In the past four years, despite the big ball, no blockage, and other changes in the rules of the 11-point concussion, but compared to the European race generation practice, single-handedly groping, the Chinese table tennis team the role of collective research all-conquers, the strength Increase without reduction. The three senior echelon and echelon, have a public strength to send people to take shape, the thick and powerful reserve forces, but also make other associations unparalleled. At the same time, as the most important European legion of competitors, it shows a deteriorating situation and a blunder. Now the Chinese team, to improve their own sense of importance is greater than the emphasis on opponents, with the support of the national system of super-powerful training, through all-pervasive, meticulous preparation, as long as strengthening the psychological quality, reduce the pressure of battle, no opponent can shake the Chinese team Gold momentum. When sweating becomes a habit, self-confidence becomes a conditioned reflex, domineering materialized as a physical amulet. Looking back to the glory of the two previous Olympic Games, I believe every Chinese player will have such confidence: the time can not go back, but history can be repeated.
提出了一种将Bell实验室垂直分层空时(V-BLAST)算法应用于多输入多输出多载波码分多址(MIMO MC-CDMA)系统上行链路结构,接收端采用线性迫零V-BLAST(ZF V-BLAST)算法和最大比
北京林学院林学系森林经理教研室主任唐宗桢副教授因患病医治无效,于1982年6月12日凌晨逝世,终年49岁。 Associate Professor Tang Zongzhen, director of the forest mana