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2002年江西省中考优秀作文〔作文题目〕(120分卷,作文60分,本题50分)人人都在渴望幸福,人人都在感受幸福。幸福有时很抽象,有时又很具体;幸福有时很遥远,有时又近在咫尺。奉献是幸福,给予是幸福;获得是幸福,享受是幸福……一句祝福的话语是幸福,一个理解的眼神是幸福……幸福是心灵的感觉,幸福是生命的体验……请围绕“幸福”这个话题,写一篇600字左右的文章。〔作文题解〕幸福,时时刻刻围绕在我们身边。如果你从母亲手中接过饭碗,心存感激,那就是幸福;如果你在灯下读着朋友的来信,品味友情,那就是幸福;如果你独坐一隅静静地听歌,凝神遐想,那就是幸福……这个话题一般地说没有审题障碍,同学们只要抓住生活,就能写出真情。幸福的写作范围很广,可以回忆,可以畅想;从选材范围上看,可以从学校、家庭、社会的角度来命题,也可以从亲情、友情、邻里情、师生情、家乡情、爱国情等诸多方面选择;同时还可以写音乐、书本、环境等给自己生活带来的幸福感受。具体的写法可以多种多样,我们可以从三个方面突破创新:一要“实”,让人觉得写的是真人真事,有如见其人、如闻其声之感,这样才有动人的基础;二要“细”,让情节在细微的变化中显出生趣,让人物在细小的动作中展示性情;三要“新”,要能从“人人心中有”的题材中挖掘出“人人笔下无”的内容,可以采用日记、书信、随笔、小小说、童话等形式在体裁上创新;可以通过设置悬念、引出误会等方式在情节上创新;或者采用正题反作、大题小作等方法在立意上创新。 In the 2002 Jiangxi Provincial Entrance Examination Excellent Essay Composition Topic (120 points, composition 60 points, 50 points for this question) Everyone is eager for happiness, and everyone feels happy. Happiness is sometimes abstract and sometimes very specific; happiness is sometimes remote, and sometimes it is close at hand. Dedication is happiness, giving is happiness; obtaining is happiness, enjoying is happiness... A blessing word is happiness, an understanding eye is happiness... Happiness is the feeling of the soul, happiness is the experience of life... Please revolve around “happiness” For this topic, write a 600-word article. [composition solution] happiness, always around us. If you receive rice bowls from your mother, you will be grateful. If you read letter from friends and appreciate friendship under the lamp, it is happiness. If you sit quietly and listen to music, you will be contemplating. It is happiness... This topic generally says that there are no obstacles to the examination. Students can grasp the truth and write true stories. Happiness has a wide range of writing. It can be remembered and can be imagined. From the viewpoint of material selection, it can be propositions from the perspectives of schools, families, and society. It can also be from affection, friendship, neighbors, teachers and students, hometown and patriotism. There are so many choices; at the same time you can write music, books, and the environment to bring happiness to your life. The specific writing style can be varied. We can break through innovation in three areas: First, we must “realize” and people feel that writing is a real and real thing. It is like seeing someone and hearing the sound. Basic; second, “fine”, let the plot appear to be a little bitter in the change of life, let people show temperament in small movements; third, “new”, we must be able to excavate from the theme of “there is in everyone’s heart” Everyone can write something without a pen, you can use diaries, letters, essays, small novels, fairy tales and other forms of innovation in the genre; you can create suspense, lead to misunderstandings and other ways to innovate in the plot; or use the correct answer, make a big mistake Other methods are innovative in concept.
A组 一、填空题(每小题4分,共40分) (1)在□ABCD中,AC=6cm,BD=10cm,则AB的长度取值范围是_. (2)矩形的两条对角线的交角为60°,一条对角线和较短边的和为15,则对角线长为_
读万卷书,行万里路。中国共产党党员、人民教师黄廷垒踏上了自费周游全国营业铁路的漫漫征途,只为了通过铁路这个窗口—— read more, walk more. Huang Tien-lei, a member
三省(区)领导话南昆 改革开放,振兴经济。大西南的经济振兴有极好的基础。这里有得天独厚的丰源的资源,堪与东非大裂谷媲美的“川、滇、黔金三角”早已举世闻名。以煤、磷资
1.准高速旅客列车;2.交-直-交传动电力机车;3.速差式移频自动闭塞系统;4.列车超速防护系统;5.上海铁路局货车实时信息系统;6.车流径路管理系统。 1. Quasi-high-speed pass