Theory and practice of the optimizing of charging structure in EAF steelmaking

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongque168
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The viewpoint about harmful residual element control, the charging structure and its influence on production index due to the diversification of raw material in EAF steelmaking was expatiated. The residual element control model, the concept of the proportion of iron and steel and the charging structure triangle were putted forward. Based on theoretical calculation and statistical analysis, the influence of charging structure on production index was discussed, and it was found that the utilizing efficiency of energy will reduce as the proportion of iron and steel in EAF steelmaking increases. The viewpoint about radical residual control, the charging structure and its influence on production index due to the diversification of raw material in EAF steelmaking was expatiated. The residual element control model, the concept of the proportion of iron and steel and the charging structure triangle Based on theoretical calculation and statistical analysis, the influence of charging structure on production index was discussed, and it was found that the utilizing efficiency of energy will reduce as the proportion of iron and steel in EAF steelmaking increases.
在中国近代,煤矿工人遭受着资本主义和封建主义极其残暴的管理和约束。 煤矿工人不仅出卖劳动力。而且完全失掉了人身自由。据旧时报刊记载,为了防止工人逃跑,山东潍县坊子
细胞因子及其相互作用在急性呼吸窘迫综合征的炎症过程中发挥重要作用。本文综述各种细胞因子在急性呼 吸窘迫综合征发生发展中的作用机制,以期从分子水平揭示其发病机制。
休克时在充分扩容的基础上可应用血管活性药物 ,血管活性药物分为两类 :1 血管扩张剂1 1 适用于下列情况  ①静脉输液后 ,中心静脉压 (CPV)升高到正常范围以上 ,但休克的临