Application of Kalman filter in detecting pre-earthquake ionospheric TEC anomaly

来源 :Geodesy and Geodynamics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javaname40
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As an attempt,the Kalman filter was used to study the anomalous variations of ionospheric Total Electron Content(TEC) before and after Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake,these TEC data were calculated from the GPS data observed by the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China.The result indicates that this method is reasonable and reliable in detecting TEC anomalies associated with large earthquakes. As an attempt, the Kalman filter was used to study the anomalous variations of ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) before and after Wenchuan Ms8.0 earthquake, these TEC data were calculated from the GPS data observed by the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China. The result indicates that this method is reasonable and reliable in detecting TEC anomalies associated with large earthquakes.
编辑学者化问题,曾是 80年代末 90年代初编辑出版界的一个热门话题,见仁见智,很是议论了一番。因不是指令性政策问题,自然没有结果。我是比较倾向于编辑学者化的。专家学者的书稿
姓名论文题目发表期刊发表日期作者单位钱中文曲折与巨变———百年文学理论回顾 中国社科院研究生院学报 1999 6中国社科院文学所邱紫华 2 0世纪中国美学研究的历史反思文艺
甲状腺髓样癌(medullary thyroid carcinoma,MTC)起源于甲状腺滤泡旁细胞(又称C细胞),其最早表现为C细胞增生,继而发展为结节样增生和(或)微小的MTC,最后形成MTC,外科手术是其主要治疗手段。对于晚期MTC,单靠手术难以彻底清除肿瘤,同时由于其对放射线不敏感,而且邻近器官如甲状软骨、气管、脊髓等对放射线耐受性低,一般情况下外放射治疗效果差。同时MTC源于滤泡旁细胞,
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