研究性学习是指“学生在教师指导下 ,从自身生活和社会生活中 ,选择和确定研究专题 ,以类似科学研究的方式主动获取知识和应用知识去解决实际问题的学习活动方式”.作为一种主动获取知识和应用知识解决问题的探究性学习活动方式 ,研究性学习应当融会在学生的各科各类学习活动之
Research-based learning refers to the “students’ approach to selecting and identifying research topics from their own lives and social lives under the guidance of teachers and actively acquiring knowledge and applying knowledge to solve practical problems in a manner similar to scientific research”. A type of inquiry-based learning activities that actively acquire knowledge and apply knowledge to solve problems, and research-based learning should integrate various types of learning activities in students’ various subjects.