
来源 :福建林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jf_long
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在福建省大田桃源国有林场,分析了马尾松高产脂初级种子园自由授粉子代18 a林龄时产脂力和生长性状的遗传变异规律和遗传相关性。结果表明:产脂力家系遗传力和单株遗传力分别为0.5891和0.6078;树高、胸径和单株立木材积家系遗传力介于0.2999~0.3817间,单株遗传力介于0.2033~0.2865间;产脂力与树高、胸径和单株立木材积呈高度正向遗传相关,遗传相关系数分别为0.761、0.884和0.930。对产脂力进行选择时,树高、胸径和单株立木材积的间接选择响应分别达到0.945、1.209和1.303,在获得产脂力较高遗传增益的同时,可间接获得较大生长性状遗传增益。在遗传变异及遗传相关分析基础上,筛选出高产脂家系8个、单株10株,入选的家系平均产脂力、单株立木材积、胸径和树高遗传增益分别为12.32%、4.19%、2.06%和1.07%。入选的单株平均产脂力、单株立木材积、胸径和树高遗传增益分别为58.05%、18.02%、8.38%和3.14%。 In the Taoyuan State-owned Forest Farm in Fujian Province, the genetic variation and genetic correlations of fat-yield and growth traits of 18 generations of free-pollinated progeny of Pinus massoniana Lamb. The results showed that the heritability of heritability and heritability of pedigree was 0.5891 and 0.6078, respectively. The tree height, DBH and heritability of pedigree were between 0.2999 and 0.3817, and the heritability of heritability ranged from 0.2033 to 0.2865. The results showed that there was a high degree of positive genetic correlation between yield strength and tree height, diameter at breast height and stand volume per plant. The genetic correlation coefficients were 0.761,0.884 and 0.930 respectively. When selecting the fat-producing ability, the tree height, diameter at breast height and the indirect selection response of stand volume per plant were 0.945, 1.199 and 1.303, respectively. While gaining higher genetic gain of fat-producing ability, indirect gain of genetic gain of larger growth trait . On the basis of genetic variation and genetic correlation analysis, 8 high-yielding fat families and 10 single plants were screened. The average fat-producing capacity, stand volume per plant, DBH and tree height genetic gain were 12.32%, 4.19% 2.06% and 1.07%. The average yield of selected plants, stand volume per plant, DBH and tree height genetic gain were 58.05%, 18.02%, 8.38% and 3.14% respectively.
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多彩的文化/龚勋主编 .—北京 :中国书店 ,2010.3 ;20cm.—(中国孩子最想知道的十万个为什么 : 彩图注音版).—ISBN 978-7-80663-597-1精装 : ¥398.00  昆明市2007年年度社科规划课题成果选 .下/龙东林主编 .—昆明 :云南科技出版社 ,2010.1.—496页 ;26cm.—ISBN 978-7-5416-3729-2 : ¥25.00  昆明市
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为探究香樟Cc CBFb基因增强植株非生物胁迫抗性的功能,通过农杆菌介导法将该基因转入烟草中,经PCR和半定量RT-PCR技术鉴定阳性转基因株系后,对获得的T1代转基因无性系(T2和T4