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在市场上的纸盒包装中,经常可以看到由于结构设计或装潢设计忽视了流通领域中人对包装的习惯或基本需求而出现的瑕疵,例如,接缝出现在主要展示面的边缘,盒盖开启方向违反了消费者的习惯等。这些瑕疵多少也要影响到整体设计效果。因此,作者总结出纸盒包装设计中的三个三项基本原则(简称三·三原则),并期待包装设计师的共鸣。一、整体设计三原则纸盒包装的整体设计要考虑到经销者和消费者以下三点需求: 1.在琳琅满目的商品市场中,首先能够捕获到消费者视线并引起消费者注意的,是纸盒包装的主要装潢面(即包括主体图 In carton packs on the market, it is often seen that defects in the circulation, such as seams appearing on the edge of the main display surface, appear to have been overlooked due to structural or decorating design, Cover open in violation of consumer habits and so on. The number of these defects also affect the overall design effect. Therefore, the author summed up the three basic principles of carton packaging design (referred to as the three three principles), and look forward to the packaging designer’s sympathy. First, the overall design of the three principles The overall design of the carton packaging to take into account the needs of distributors and consumers the following three requirements: 1. In an array of commodity markets, first of all to capture the attention of consumers and attract the attention of consumers, the paper The main packaging surface of the box (including the main figure
The use of radio-opaque markers and abdominal X-ray is the standard method for determining colonic transit time(CTT). However, when there are deviations in the
由宝鸡有色金属加工厂主要负责起草的国家标准《钛及钛合金丝》于1998年7月15日发布,1999年2月1日实施,标准号为GB/T3623-1998.该标准是对 GB3623-83修订和修改.此次修订和修改的主要内容有: (1)增加了低强度工业纯钛TAO,低间
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尊敬的读者: 随着科学技术的发展,我国制冷学科及其制冷空调产品亦呈迅猛发展的势头,为了提高我国制冷空调产品质量钓档次,以便更好参与国际市场的竞争,当务之急,应把我国制