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把粮贪保管好,是粮食部门干部、全体革命干部与全体人民的光荣任务。这一光荣任务,在国家实行了粮食的计划收购与计划供应后,更加重要与艰巨了。从我省来看,现在全省各地保管的粮食,较去年同期加大了很多。由于仓容不足与入库前的清洁卫生、消毒铺垫等工作做得不够,加之好多粮食系占用民房或露天存放,个别地方保管的粮食,并已发生生虫、霉烂现象。这种情况,应引起各地党政领导的高度警惕;如果坐视国家财产遭受损失而漠不关心,那将是不可宽容的罪行。国家粮食的损坏,不仅将严重地影响粮食的计划供应,而且势必引起广大农民羣众的不满,以至影响工农联盟的巩固,影响党与人民政府和广大人民羣众的联系。所以,把粮食保管好,不但具有重要的经济意义,也具有重要的政治意义。现在气候日益和暖,雨季即将来临,加强粮食保管工作已不容再迟缓、拖延了。谁要再忽视这一工作,谁就要在政治上犯严重的错误。 Keeping the grain well kept is a glorious task for the cadres in the food sector, the entire revolutionary cadres and the entire people. This glorious task has become more and more important and arduous once the state has implemented the planned acquisition and planned supply of food. From the point of view of our province, the amount of grain stored in different parts of the province now has increased a lot compared with the same period of last year. Due to lack of storage capacity and warehousing before cleaning, disinfection and bedding work is not done enough, plus a lot of food lines occupy private houses or open storage, storage of food in individual places, and the occurrence of parasites, rotten phenomenon. This situation should arouse great vigilance on the part of party and government leaders from all over the country. It would be an intolerable crime to sit idly by and ignore the loss of state property. The damage of state grain will not only seriously affect the planned supply of grain but will inevitably arouse the dissatisfaction of the broad masses of peasants, as well as the consolidation of the worker-peasant alliance and the links between the party and the people’s government and the broad masses of the people. Therefore, keeping good food not only has important economic significance but also has important political significance. Now that the climate is getting warmer and the rainy season is coming, it is no longer a delay and a delay to step up food storage. Whoever neglects this task should make serious political mistakes.
这就是你所谓的“大丰收”吗!?……笨贼一箩筐@萧言中!台湾 This is what you call the “bumper harvest” it! ... stupid thief basket @ Xiao Yanzhong! Taiwan