Advances in stem cell research

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jooey
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In 1998, biologists Thomson and Gearhart successfully derived stem cells from human embryos. One year later, several researchers discovered that adult stem cells still retain the ability to be differentiated into unrelated types of cells. Advances in stem cell research open a promising direction for applied medical science. Moreover, it may also force scientists to reconsider the fundamental theory about how cells grow up. Stem cell research was considered by Science as the top of the ten breakthroughs of science of the year[1]. This paper gives a survey of recent advances in stem cell research. In 1998, biologists Thomson and Gearhart successfully derived stem cells from human embryos. One year later, several researchers discovered that adult stem cells still retain the ability to be differentiated into unrelated types of cells. Advances in stem cell research open a promising direction for applied medical science. Moreover, it may also force scientists to reconsider the fundamental theory about how cells grow up. Stem cell research was considered by Science as the top of the ten breakthroughs of science of the year [1]. This paper gives a survey of recent advances in stem cell research.
据中国人体质调查一书统计 ,高位桡动脉占6.15%。作者在解剖一具老年男性尸体标本时 ,发现其右侧桡动脉起始部位变异 ,现报道如下。肱动脉在大圆肌下缘续于腋动脉 ,沿肱二头
EB病毒具有多种生物学特性 ,据此构建了宿主范围广泛的 EB病毒载体。因其较其它病毒载体具有明显优势 ,所以具有良好的应用前景。本文对 EB病毒生物学特性和载体的研制及在基