初三英语单元综合训练题(Units 21-24)(英文)

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Ⅰ.词汇 A)根据句意和首字母写出句中所缺的单词。1. He is such a f______ singer that the peopleall over the country know him well.2. My shoes are w______ out. I need a newpair.3. Li Lei’ s mother is a n______. She worksin the hospital.4. Water problem can be even w______ in thenext century if we don’ t do anything about it. I. Vocabulary A) Write the words missing in the sentence based on the sentence’s meaning and initials. 1. He is such a f______ singer that the peopleall over the country know him well.2. My shoes are w______ out. I need a newpair.3. Li Lei’ s mother is a n______. She worksin the hospital.4. Water Problem can be even w______ in the next century if we don’t do anything about it.
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都什么时候了?马上就要中考了呀! What time is it?
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