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中国食品工业协会发布了《“九五”全国食品工业科技发展纲要建议》。该《纲要提出:食品工业进一步大力加强科技工作,推动科技进步,既是党和国家赋予的任务,又是食品工业实现持续发展的关键。改革开放以来,食品工业发展迅速,技术进步也取得了巨大成绩。统计表明:由于技术开发,产品质量提高的企业占89%,劳动生产率提高的企业占76.7%,原材料消耗降低的企业占58%,产品成本降低的企业占56.6%,能源消耗减少的企业占53.2%。但是,食品工业在高速增长的同时,仍然存在一些深层次问题。如高投入,高消耗,高成本;低技术,低质量,低效益;对资源的利用率和科技成果转化率也较低等等。这在一定程度上影响了食品工业持续、快速、健康地发展。纲要的指导思想是:依靠科技进步,积极开发和采用新技术、新设备、新产品。充分开发利用 The China Food Industry Association issued the “Ninth Five-Year Plan” proposal for the National Food Industry Science and Technology Development Outline. The “Outline” proposes that the food industry should further strengthen scientific and technological work and promote scientific and technological advancement. This is both the task assigned by the party and the country and the key to the sustainable development of the food industry. Since the reform and opening up, the food industry has developed rapidly, and technological progress has also achieved great results. Statistics show that due to technological development, 89% of enterprises have improved product quality, 76.7% have increased labor productivity, 58% have reduced raw material consumption, 56.6% have reduced product cost, and 53.2 have reduced energy consumption. %. However, while the food industry is growing rapidly, there are still some deep-seated problems. Such as high investment, high consumption, high cost; low-tech, low-quality, low-efficiency; the utilization rate of resources and the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements are also low. This has, to a certain extent, affected the continuous, rapid and healthy development of the food industry. The guiding ideology of the outline is: relying on scientific and technological progress, actively develop and adopt new technologies, new equipment, and new products. Full exploitation
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