【出 处】
<正> 近几年象山县内、外房屋失火屡发,尤其是歌舞厅、会堂、剧院等公共建筑起火。究其原因:其中电气起火占多数,而电气起火类中电气线路老化约占30%,电气设备和线路本身质量
Evaluation of germ-cell kinetics in infertile patients with proliferating cell nuclear antigen proli
To explore the usefulness of proliferating cell nuclear antigen proliferating index (PCNA PI) in the pathological diagnosis and treatment of male infertility. M
<正> 笔者从事工程设计及审批项目已有400余项,积累了些经验,现提出几点供设计单位参考。 一、设计师应充分了解杭城所处环境的特殊性。“三面云山一面城”,山不高,水不广,城
Aim: To study the effect of diabetes mellitus and insulin treatment on rat penile nitric oxide synthase content. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided at rando
Long-term administration of large doses of paracetamol impairs the reproductive competence of male r
Aim: To evaluate the anfireproductive effect of paracetamol in male rats. Methods: Male rats were orally administered daily with 500mg/kg or 1000mg/kg of parace
<正> 砌砖工程的质量对于保证砖混结构房屋的整体性、抗压、剪强度以及刚度等都直接起着重要的作用。 从我县连续两年的质量检查结果情况,而当前砖砌工程质量,较普遍存在以下
Aim: To find out the changes induced by lindane on the antioxidant enzymes in epididymis and epididymal sperm of adult rats. Methods: Adult male rats were orall
Regarding the article entitled: “No-scalpel vasectomy outside China” by Drs Bing XU and Wei-Dong HUANG of the Chongqing Li Shun-Qiang Andrology Hospital, I wo
Auto CAD已越来越广泛地应用于各行各业,但在工程地质勘察方面尚处初级阶段。本文主要对Auto CAD绘制工程勘察图纸中的曲线进行探讨,使其精度达到国家规范要求。