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甘薯富含营养,除淀粉、脂肪外,还有人体必需氨基酸组成的蛋白质,及维生素A、B_1、B_2、C、E等,营养价值不逊于白米.同时甘薯是生理碱性食物,对于多食鱼、肉、面食等生理酸性食物具有调和作用.甘薯富含不溶性与可溶性纤维素,可预防便秘,它的热量低,也是减肥的良好食物。用甘薯制成 Sweet potato is rich in nutrition, besides starch, fat, there are proteins essential for human body amino acids, and vitamin A, B_1, B_2, C, E, nutritional value is not inferior to white rice.At the same time sweet potato is physiological alkaline food, Fish, meat, pasta and other physiological acidic food has a harmonic effect.Water soluble in insoluble sweet and soluble cellulose, can prevent constipation, its low calorie, but also a good food for weight loss. Made with sweet potato
拿到诺基亚 N70,第一个冲动就是赶紧发掘它“新”在何处——它可是诺基亚全新 Nseries 系列首款在中国上市的先锋,而且号称全新 MPEG-4智能手机。我们知道 MPEG-4是一种压缩
  New type of multi-soliton solutions to ultradiscrete equations are proposed.The solu tions are expressed by a form of ultradiscretized permanent which is de
  We discuss new solutions to the ultradiscrete soliton equations such as the Box and Ball system, the Toda equation,etc.The solutions which we call "negative
弹指一挥间,今年5月1日是内蒙古自治区成立六十周年的日子。六十年里,内蒙古文化战线中有许多默默无闻的工作者,就像草原深处的朵朵金莲花,在风雪雨露里任枝叶顺意舒展,在泥土的博爱与深情中自由欢腾,一簇簇、一丛丛,肆意地盛开,灿烂地绽放,昂立于自己的一片天地中,默默地散发着属于自己的一份馨香。    “弘扬国粹,立足草原,创新艺术”,是内蒙古京剧团几代艺术家们孜孜不倦的共同追求。剧团成立46 年来,在排
  In the first part of this talk, we briefly review the ultradiscretization (UD) method and show how it works well in the analysis of traffic models including
  In this talk, several types of discrete coupled nonlinear Schr(o)dinger equations will be discussed.The equations are transformed into the bilinear form and
  We report order-of-magnitude spectral breathing in a similariton Er-fiber laser with an intracavity bandpass filter.This is to our knowledge the highest of
  Discrete and ultradiscrete integrable systems are important objects in the integrable system theory.In this talk, an overview and some special topics on rec